Dear friends,
I'm looking for the Bridge design practice manual (Caltrans) circa 1995. If anyone has
a digital copy that can share or a hard copy that it's willing to sell, please let me know.
Thank you!
Do you know if there is a website where I can download these old books?
Standard plans for highway bridges:
v. 1. Concrete superstructures –
v. 2. Structural steel superstructures –
v. 3. Timber bridges –
v. 4. Typical continuous bridges –
v. 4a. Typical continuous bridges: load factor...
Dear engineers!
I hope that you can help me to find some old design examples that use to be at the AASHTO web page. I know that there are newer design examples but I really need to find
these old ones. I always appreciate the old design examples because some times they explain how to do some...