I google the subject but did not get a clear information what does mean 37.5 kW/m2 contour at a frequency exceeding 10-4 per year !!!
37.5 KW/m2 how much heat can produce and what mean frequency exceeding 10-4 per year?
appreciate any clear information
Base on ACI code, If I did a precast one beam 60 cm x 60 cm x 1200 cm.
the compressive strength used during design is design be 50 mpa. if I use hardener during precast, and I got 30 mpa compressive strength after 24 hours.
Can I lift the beam up if the strength of concrete reach 30 mpa after...
in ACI code, in calculation, we used f'c as the compressive strength on cylinders after 28 days.
Where this covered in the ACI code.
Which part telling the the compressive strength is related to Cylinder.
The maximum bearing load on the bottom of the column (ACI Code Table = ∅ x 0.85 x f'c A1.where A1 is the area of the contact surface between the column and the footing.
When the contact-supporting surface on the footing is wider on all sides than the loaded area, the maximum bearing...
I am trying to get the deflection D(x) under a combined foundation.
I manage to get the function bending moment M(x) by dividing the area in 3 places.
- Equation 1: from Edge of foundation to First Column C1
- Equation 2: From Column C1 to Column C2
- Equation 3: From Column C2 to the edge...
I am reading one example about get the location of centrical axis of shear perimeter.
In this example, they are telling the distance from line A-B to the centroid of the shear perimeter is as below:
I am not understanding how this been calculated, can anyone support please???
How to get...
If I have a foundation where the pressure under the foundation is p1, p2, p3 & p4.
Can I consider the volume of the pressures under foundation (the edges are p1, p2, p3 & p4) equal to the vertical load?
If yes (I mean the volume of pressures equal to vertical load), and lets consider the p1 =...
I am designing a Combined foundation with 2 pedestals P1 & P2.
I am trying to draw the Shear and Moment Diagram and still confused about the vertical forces how to include it in the Shear diagram.
Pressure under Foundation is p1, p2, p3 & p4.
Volume of pressures under Footing = (p1 + p2 +...
I need to draw bending and shear diagram for a combined footing.
I am trying to follow one example on net.
M1 at center of pedestal 1 = 1/2 x (333.0 + 321.8) x 0.635 x 0.635 / 2 x 2.54(foundation W) -62.27 x 1.27 + 569.44 = 658
M2 at center of pedestal 2 = 1/2 x (433.7 + 422.5) x 0.635 x...
I am confused with getting the Buoyancy force for a combined footing.
So, please let me know if this is correct:
F = 250 (width) x 100 (depth) x (90 (soil height above footing) + 30 (footing height) - 50 (water table height)) x (62.4/12/12/12 lb/in3) x 32.17 * 12 in / s2
Is this correct?
I want to do a Continuous beam with 15 spans each span 5 meters.
It cannot be complete in one shot, so I have to divide the pouring in two parts.
First part 7 spans and second part with 8 spans.
For the first part, where should I stop?
should I stopped at column Number 7, or 1 m away from the...
If we take a concrete beam with the following dimensions:
Mu = 136.77 k-ft
b = 12 in
d = 8.43 in
d' = 3.56 in
f'c = 4000 psi, fy = 60,000 psi
According to ACI code, I have to deal with a Double reinforced concrete cause M max = 58.27 k-ft < 136.77
If I continue by using excel to avoid...
I would like to understand, why Soil shrink? Is it because the volume to water which was in soil dissapear due to hot weather?
please have a look on this photo:
What advise about such type of soil or all soil will behave the same way in hot weather?
Dear all,
Maybe this question look a bit silly for some Engineers, but I would like to understand If I got that 𝛒 > 𝛒 max in a concrete Beam, do I have to switch to double reinforcement?
4 years ago, I made a retaining wall for my own house.
2 years ago, my neighbour did some job with a rig machine to drill a water well close to retaining wall.
At that time, the retaining wall tilt around 2 cm.
Last year I filled with mortar to fill the gap.
on the same photo you will...
The reinforcement in a Stem of a cantilever retaining wall must be double reinforcement in order to carry the moment produced by lateral forces.
Is it practical to have double reinforcement in a stem? or stem thickness to be increase in order to avoid the double reinforcement?
I am reading one article about desigining a concrete retaining wall.
The As required for Stem is As: 2.26 in² per 1 foot.
Author use #9 each 4.5" (Center to Center)
Why AS is equal to 2.67?
As required is 2.26 in², so he should be using 3 #9 (3 in²)each 1 foot.
Any explanation?
Thanks and...
I am designing the Key for a concrete retaining wall based on Passive lateral force as per below sketch:
Is that right?
But what about the active lateral force produced by soil above heel at ground surface?
How can I be sure that this force will not detach the key from the base as I am not...