Hey everyone!
I have a customer who wants to support a guardrail with brick veneer. The reasoning is that the brick is already installed and removing the brick to attach to the wall behind is not cost effective at this point in the project. See below for a very rough sketch that is not to...
Hello Everyone!
We're looking at a job where the client would like an aluminum guardrail core drilled into a concrete curb. I've always heard that aluminum in contact with concrete is not good.. Could anyone explain to me what exactly is going on when aluminum comes into contact with concrete...
I am currently looking for information pertaining to tripping hazards, specifically how tall an obstruction can be before it is no longer considered a tripping hazard. I have seen plenty of information showing that a 3/8" or 1/2" deviation in the walking surface constitutes a tripping...
I am trying to work my way through a vibration check for a staircase. Typically I just page my way through design guide 11 but in this case I am working with a stair that has a curve in it. Design guide 11 has a section that is labeled "Recommended Evaluation Criteria for Linear...
I am looking for some guidance on load combinations for a rooftop guardrail system. The railing consists of 5'-0" wide shoe mounted glass panels with a continuous top cap. ASCE 7-10 ASD load combination 6a indicates that when combining wind load to live load, you can use 1.0*D + 0.75*L +...