"How can I obtain seismic ground motion records for aftershocks following a specific earthquake, such as the Kobe earthquake in 1995, after already downloading the main shock ground motions?"
#question #etabs #structuralengineering #structuraldesign
I conducted a non-linear static push-over analysis on a 4-story building. I compared the capacity curve when using stiffness modifiers (i.e 0.35 , 0.7) commonly applied in elastic design and when not using them ( i.e =1).
Q1) What...
Can anyone explain that how is there both negative and positive moment at the end of beam at same time ?
Is it some what related to in_plane & out of plane moment at same time ?
hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well.
I am starting Masters in Structural engineering next week.
Any pro tips or hack I could use or any piece of advise that will help me or your experience .anything
Hello everyone, I hope you people are doing great.
1)can anyone tell me what is the main idea that comes to mind when going for a structural scheme (the science of placing beams and columns)
2)can I get reference/notes or tips which i can use in my futures?
hello everyone, I hope you guys are doing great.
I have a question from a guy(myself) who has just begun his career.
I want to ask you guys how do I prepare myself for the future where I am designing concrete and steel structures? what are the main things I need to target so that I can be of...
Hello, i m revising a number of subjects, actually, self taughting my self structure design. I am confused about which subject I should go first, Concrete structures or steel structures ? or structural analysis? any tips from senior design engineers
hi, can anyone suggest me well known and active civil engineering related associations/bodies/societies membership (preferably free hehehe) for membership? According to the engineering council of my country, I will be blessed with a CPD point for membership.
Hi , my name is shazeb mirza and i am a civil engineering graduate.
i want some piece of advise from the senior members on
[highlight #FCE94F]"how to be a good concrete structure designer?"[/highlight]
on early career stages can i get into market as a designer ?
i am very confused...
Hi, I a civil engineering graduate and I am having some confusion and that is :
1) how to use building codes (like ACI-314)?
2) how to take advantage of them?