Do you know if we can we install a impressed catholic protection system for the internal surface of 316 SS tank containing copper sulphate. Is there any limitation and did you already design or inspect Such system?
If anyone have some good paper about this topic, it will be helpful for me...
For an organic waste pulp pipes a temperature of 65°C and a chloride concentration around 1100 ppm is alloy 20 a good choice? If there is any reference showing the chloride limits according to temperature? My first choice is the duplex 2205 and according to the supplier the Alloy 20 can be...
For an organic waste pulp storage tank with a temperature of 65°C and a chloride concentration around 250 ppm is SS-316 a good choice. I think that duplex 2205 is more suitable but but my client is convinced that using SS316 is sufficient.
I am working on a project, the situation is: water coming from a wastewater treatment plant with chloride levels between 200 and 500ppm for most of the year, but for 3 weeks, the chloride level reacheas a maximum of 3000 ppm because of de-icing salt melting (according the informations that...