I've got a small column pier (9" high) sitting on an 8" elevated slab (dowels post-installed into slab).
Curious how others justify shear transfer at the slab/pier joint?
In a normal pier/footing case, I would develop the bars above/below the pier/footing joint and use the shear friction...
Would you consider new steel beams grouted under an existing slab to be fully supported?
I saw an article once saying that the restoring torque from the slab reaction is sufficient in preventing lateral torsional buckling, but I can no longer track down the article.
Does anyone have a...
Good morning Eng tippers,
For flat bottom vessels, is it safe to rely on the operating dead weight to counteract seismic overturning moments, when looking at anchor bolt tension?
I am concerned that the flexibility of the bottom plate will prevent the content dead weight from counteracting...
We have an existing galvanized beam we are reinforcing partial length with cover plates and we are connecting it with bolts rather than welds.
AISC states that slip critical bolts are required to develop the force at the theoretical cutoff points but does not explicitly state SC bolts...
Quick question for the experts out there.
Are the bottom flange local bending provisions in CMAA 74 mandatory for monorails in the US?
I am referring to the design of S-shapes with trolley hoists, not patented track or enclosed track.
As far as I can tell, there isn't a US spec that covers...
I am making a concrete column spreadsheet and am unsure of the effective depth, "d", for shear.
As you may know, in the 19 version of ACI, the formula for concrete shear strength was changed and is now dependent on the reinforcing ratio pw.
In the commentary R22.5.5.1, it states"...
Good afternoon!
I've been looking through one of Hilti's guides (Post-Installed Reinforcing Bar Guide) and have found that they are using the bars in the compression zone as shear friction reinforcement.
It is my understanding that when a moment acts across a joint, the bars that are in...
Good afternoon,
I have a situation where we are bolting cover plates to the topside of the bottom flange of an existing galvanized member.
I can satisfy the shear flow demand with one bolt at the center of each cover plate.
Do you foresee any stability issues with the single bolt...
Good afternoon!
I am having trouble making sense of the reference height definitions for wind loads using NBC 2015.
If you are designing cladding and girts, would you simply take the height of the element above the ground, or would you refer to 6) a) & b) below?
What I am thinking is that...
Good morning,
I am checking a 5-ton forklift on a 8” slab cast on a 3” metal deck (formwork only).
By a strict read of the code (ACI 318-19), concentrated loads located close to the support (<d) have a critical section located at the face of the support for one-way shear.
By locating the...
Good day!
Not sure if this is a question or a complaint... but the web section classes in S16-14 seem to be inconsistent and jumpy in regards to bi-axial bending.
If you have strong-axis bending with no axial force, you need to meet h/w <= 1700 / Fy^0.5 for class 2.
If you have weak-axis...
Good afternoon!
I'd like to get opinions from others regarding the combination of normal stresses in a singly-symmetric monorail beam according to A360-16 and AISC design guide 9.
Typically, we design for a lateral load applied at the bottom flange and a vertical load with an impact factor.
After reviewing the requirements of AISC Appendix 6, I understand that for a torsional brace to prevent LTB of another beam there must be adequate strength and stiffness of the bracing system.
On of the stiffness requirements, is web distortional stiffness which is particularly...
I am currently building a spreadsheet to design anchor reinforcing for shear in piers according to ACI 318-19.
When designing the diagonal strut component, what Bs and Bc values should be used?
Bs = 0.4 (tension members) and Bc = 1 ? Assuming net uplift in the pier.
The reference...
I am designing a beam that is carrying welded HSS stubs with a lateral load and moment (causing torsion in the beam).
We intend to brace for the torsion using infill beams with simple shear tab connections.
In the attached PDF, are the stiffeners required to resist moment in Case 2...
Hello everyone,
The current AISC A360-16 Spec calculates flexural strength based on plastic section properties for the most part.
If you wanted to calculate the flexural strength based on the principles of elastic distribution how would you manipulate the equations provided in chapter F2...
I have been working on a spreadsheet to design monorail beams with cap channels.
Which My value should I use for case 16 in Table B4.1b? (Myc or Myt)
My instinct is to use the yield moment for compression (Myc) since hc is regarding the compression flange. Agree?
Also, when considering flange...