the way I interpret UCS-66, SA387 Gr. 11 is assigned to the A curve for impact exemption. Some pressure vessel fabricators have been interpreting UCS-66 as saying that this should be on the 'B' curve. Are they right?
About PWHT and after hydrotest welding
Hello Friends, I have some doubt about ASME Div 2 clause interpretation) for following issue facing one of my task. Due to some issue, We need to weld non-pressure(piping/platform cleats) after PWHT but before Hydrotest. Any one can confirm my understanding...
Equipment: Pressure vessel
Thickness: Thickness More than 200mm
Code: ASME section VIII Div 2 and U2 stamp.
As code said that No welding is allowed after Hydrotest.
But piping modeling design progress is far ahead and other hand vendor is worked out the all the possible roller position but...
What should be the allowable bending stress for non pressure carbon steel attachment(e.g platform ladder cleats)
vendor has taken 0.9 of yield stress but I am insisting him to 0.66 of yield stress AISC manual.
Static head added in design pressure of Hydro test in Horizontal vessel position? I don't know exactly but there is one addendum to code to not consider Static head. Can anybody have reference of that addendum.
Vessel shell Thickness is 150mm
Head is hemispherical and thickness is 90mm.
Head fiber elongation is less than 5%.
My question is whether Head is required PWHT?
shell plate thickness is 150mm , Vendor has selected PWHT cycle time and temp as per UCS 56.But he has not specified for Head.