Hello all,
I found a problem in my simulation, there is a warning that the element type is not available for the simulation. I consider it is the problem causes my rebound process not to act as the material values I give. The property I gave to my model is water property, in realistic, liquid...
I found something interested me from Abaqus documentation. It said this LCP solution is not supported in Abaqus/CAE. Does anyone have an idea how to simulate this kind of animation in Abaqus/CAE? I would like to give solid sphere density, viscosity, shear elasticity, and eos parameters...
Hello all,
If I want to simulate something on micrometer scale, should I set approximate size to 10^-6, to keep all units SI unit? Or, set approximate size on 10^-3, to use millimeter, ton, kPa unit system? Does this affect the simulation data check process? Because I tried once, there was an...
Hello, I am trying to simulate a droplet rebound process. I found what I simulated did not feel very real. I gave density, viscosity, eos, and elasticity. First, the droplet merely deformed as it strikes the aluminum plate. It should become less spherical as it contacts the plate? Besides, based...
Hello all, I am simulating a coalescence process of two water droplets, but I found the visualization effect not that realistic. Besides, whether the two interaction surfaces are two halves of two spheres, or two whole spheres, the effect is the same. The left half of left sphere and the right...
Hello, I am trying to simulate two spheres cohesive process, I watched a tutorial on YouTube about cohesive visualization. But something went wrong, got a error in job submission:
A boundary condition has been specified on node set assembly_set-1 but this node set is not active in the model...
Hello all,
I am trying to simulate two spheres coalescence process. I gave two spheres the same properties: density and elasticity. I made the step dynamic/explicit, and gave velocities in predefined field. I made their surfaces have surface contact interaction, and made their element type...
I encountered an error like this:
460 elements are missing required transverse shear stiffnesses. You may use the *TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option under the *SHELL SECTION option to directly specify their values, or use the *TRANSVERSE SHEAR option under the *MATERIAL option to...
Hello all,
I am trying to simulate the free vibration mode of a sphere shell with thickness, but as long as I gave the sphere viscosity property, it let me give eos data as well. But with both parameters given, there is also an error pops up:
I am new to this software, I just did something quite simple, but not sure if anything was done in a wrong way. Because as I attempted to check data/submit the job, it says "students edition restricts to 1000 nodes". I think what I tried to create should not be that crazy, so is there...