I am trying to improve my welding skill set. I am D1.1 certified in stick ("SMAW") 3G 3/4" max thick plate.
1. Assuming AWS and ASME pipe welding - say 0.2" up to 0.5" wall, out of position, short circuit GMAW-S, both shop and field
My question: Is MIG with A75/C25 common and/or...
Amateur question. I have been bending my practice weld coupons around a small pipe, then bending tighter in a vice - just to check ductility.
Photos below are pre-bend and post-bend
Uphill, 3G
One-sided complete joint pen at butt joint (no gap)
6061, 1/8" thick
3/32" 5356 filler...
I am trying to get certified in TIG aluminum 6061 3G per D1.2 4043, up to 3/8" or 1/4" thick plate, and I am looking for guidance. I am trying to diversify my credentials for more job options.
[I am a steel guy and am certified 3G D1.1. Not ASME. Almost everyone I know is a steel guy. Aluminum...
Hello my EE friends,
First, I'm sorry for the amateur question. Second, I'm hoping this is the correct forum, since double posting is a grievous sin.
I set up what I thought was plain vanilla instrumentation to measure and record structural vibrations.
Teensy 4.1 (with simple Arduino code) and...
Hello EE friends,
I have a NEMA 34 stepper motor. I use it to drive a small shake table (single axis horizontal motion) using a simple harmonic sine function.
1.8 deg/full step.
Driver setting = 400 steps/rev (0.9 deg/step) "half steps"
60V, 7 Amps
Max Pull Out Torque = 87 in-lb (about 980...
Hello structural engineers,
I posted a small scale shake table question on the Seismology forum, but haven't gotten any hits yet.
I know double posting is a grave sin, so not repeating here, kindly asking any who might be interested to check out Seismology and weigh in on that thread.
Hello Engineers
Consider a uniaxial, horizontal motion, small scale shake table used to evaluate seismic retaining wall stability (sliding and overturning); comparing resultant horiz displacements for various accelerations and durations using simplified sinusoidal input motion.
1:12 scale –...