I am struck in a small problem which I hope can sort out with your help. I am running an explicit dynamic integration problem for a fixed beam (3D solid) subjected to a triangular pulse on the top. I have used CDP for concrete. Analysis is converging without any error. But, resulting stresses...
A Micro model of Masonry wall was modelled in Abaqus and surfaced based cohesive behavior used between the masonry brick units. Drucker-Prager material model was used for the compressive behavior of brick units.
Wall was subjected to a pressure load on the top and a nonlinear static...
While performing "Blast analysis on a RC frame (single bay single story)" analysis resulted into mesh distortion due to high velocity gradient.
Abaqus manual says; introducing the numerical damping into the system will damp out the volumetric straining and avoid mesh distortion due to high...
I want to define a material (Concrete and steel) with strain rate dependent data in Abaqus. I toogle on the "Use strain-rate-dependent-data" in the material editor. The problem is how to enter the data in the tabular data area. Do we need user interface material modelling or can we do with GUI...
Is it possible that same Abaqus file in two different workstations would result differently..? To be precise, I was running an Abaqus Explicit nonlinear dynamic analysis of a RC frame and it was resulted into excessive distortion in some elements. I had run the same file in one of my other...