The Vulcraft catalog for steel deck has two negative moment formulas. If the length is less than or equal to 10 feet, the formula is 1/12WL^2. If the length is more than 10 feet, the formula is 1/10WL^2. I understand the 1/10 factor is for a three-span condition. It also seems that they are...
It is my understanding that the turning templates in the AASHTO Green Book assume that the vehicle is starting the turn with it's wheels already turned to max angle. This doesn't seem to be a realistic condition. The turning path of the vehicle will be affected by the time it takes the driver...
Looking at a W10x30 in the steel manual. It has k for design at 0.810 inches. The k for detailing is 1-1/8 inches. That's nearly a 3/16 inch difference. I can understand design and detailing being different, but not that much. Why such a large difference?
Contractor wants to drill 4-inch diameter holes through a second floor concrete/metal pan deck for conduit. Deck span between floor beams is about 8 feet. At what point do these holes compromise the strength of the deck?