Hi, yesterday I got this error. The laser Mitsubishi LV-CFX40 was running fine before my lunch. After lunch, I tried to cut a small hole 0.12” using line and encountered this error. Then I tried to use line 8 as I cut parts before lunch but the error still occurred. Restart the laser didn’t...
Hi, I am running the laser Mitsubishi LVP-CX40. If I run a program (not complete yet) then for some reasons, I stop the machine to cut something else (just an example) or power outage. How do I continue to run the program at where it was stopped?
Hi, I ran the stimulation of a program on Mitsubishi 40CFX laser and got this error. I used the MetaCam software to encode the program from dxf file. What’s the cause of error? I tried to skip one command life then the next line will be error...
I am trying to etching / engraving some letters and numbers on steel using the 3015LVP/40CFX Mitsubishi laser. I couldn’t get the etching even I reduced the output power to 50W at 15-20%. Is it possible to etch on steel?
Hi, our laser is Mitsubishi 3015LVP, 40CFX. We got the error ‘water conductivity’ and the laser shut down. We replaced the water in the tank, flushed the hoses, replaced the resin bag and the filter. No luck. Still have the water conductivity error. Do you think the sensor is bad or the cable...
Hi, I am trying to code a drawing that have about 8,500 small holes (part size 17”x17”). I use the MetaCam software. The laser is Mitsubishi 3015-40LPV. In the stimulation mode on the laser screen, an error will occur if the line number N is greater than N99990. I want to omit the line number...