Hi all,
This was a question asked in the past with no answer, thread799-391993, wondering if anyone has found a way to define a set for a wire in Abaqus scripting?
In Abaqus, a wire is a feature however the Set() method does not have an argument to receive a feature object and instead, the...
Hi all,
I am looking to use a connector element to model the semi-rigidity of a joint in a BEAM element model (BEM). The semi-rigid moment-rotation response was obtained using a SHELL element model and then idealised into the orange curve below (which I will input into the connector element to...
Hi all,
In my local PC, I have had Abaqus/2019 installed and used it to construct my model, however, I am running the analysis on a higher version i.e. Abaqus/2023. I know this is ok as Abaqus is backwards compatible also as mentioned here by FEAWay...
Hi all,
As the subject, the model is running fine with NLGEOM turned off but as soon as I turned it ON, the model struggled to converge. I have reduced the initial and minimum increment step size and increased the number of attempts (I_A) the solver can reiterate with a lower step size and...
Hi all,
Not sure if it was just me who found the description for ductile damage in the ABAQUS manual a little confusing (perhaps misleading). From the example plot taken from ABAQUS manual, clearly, the damage is initiated at epsilon(0,p) and completely fractured at epsilon(f,pl). However, when...
Hi all,
Has anyone of you ever experience a crash that shut down your ETABS model and when you open it again, the model became unlocked? (Note: this crash happens after the analysis has finished). Strangely, when I check the folder where the ETABS result files were saved, all the results files...
Hi there, does anyone knows a way to limit the shear stress of a beam-like connection in ETABS? I know you can do a Tension/Compression Limit on the axially loaded member but is there an option to limit the shear stress too?
To give a clear image of what I am trying to do, imagine you have a...