In this mock example I have a yellow fixture with a cylindrical boss as Datum A, then an inclined Datum B at 20 deg Basic. We slip the gray part over Datum A which let's just say expands b/c it is at RFS, so Datum A is locked in solid.
I don't think I've seen an example in the standard for an...
We just onboarded a new customer. All their prints have unequally disposed surface profiles. And their CAD models are all made at MMC condition. That causes some issues with surface hits on the CMM with tight tolerances. So I'm in the middle of altering their models to what we make the parts at...
We have this part that has a feature called out 45 deg from a clocking datum midplane. The thing is it could be 45 deg to the left or 45 deg to the right.
All the views on the print have it to the left, and that is how it must function, but I could entertain the argument the parts made opposite...
I've got this square callout for size then a position for said size.....I still don't remember much from the standard on this square drive symbol.
I measure both linear sizes independently and both positions independently. Seems simple and to the point. I measure both opposing planes as a...
Hope you all are doing well, happy new year.
I'm questioning my understanding on whether this is a rule for a pattern or simultaneous rule. Seen below is a bolt hole pattern, no bottom datum as this is a quick example. There is some datum shift with the A datum, I just forgot to put the symbol...
I'm questioning if the many profile callouts I see that don't have a profile section that includes a straight portion should not have a secondary datum for clocking in the secondary FCF
A good example would be the below pic from the 2009 std....IF the second FCF had AB instead of just...
I've got so many questions on this callout that it is better to ask questions over several posts Apologies for the rambling. The part I have is somewhat like the below picture. It is two less than half spherical cutouts inside a part. Disregard the idea of a feature of size as everything under...
I'm programming this part when I had a head scratcher moment...they toleranced a +/- radius then applied an MMC zero position tolerance to it. My days of thinking/arguing over proper callouts is about exhausted so I just try to do what is best with the situation.
Internal radius is 120 deg...
I got a 90% on my senior exam. I just wanted to thank everyone here that has helped me understand everything. You all are a great resource with all the real life knowledge you have on many part geometry.
On the surface it seems in 2009 standard the only explicit usages of MMB is with Position and Profile.
If Datum A is a feature of size cylinder and another cylinder is desired to be parallel to it. I don't see a problem with MMB for datum A.
The idea that with orientation translation doesn't...
I'm not sure I'll ever understand this one... how can you measure a runout from yourself? Since runout doesn't capture the highs like position does...wouldn't runout to itself equal zero for that perscribed datum requirement?
I understand the red circled callout, but I don't understand the blue...
I searched the forum on this figure so I'm not trying to create a civil war here ;)
I'm taking this senior exam next week and now that I'm done with reading the standard in detail I'm going over notes.
I'm of the opinion you cannot use the fundamental rules for creating a 90deg or zero basic...
I thought the DRF chapter was hard to get thru, but this position chapter is taxing as hell to read thru.
In the below picture, you see two separate hole patterns. As the diagram shows, it appears this can be one single hard gauge check...But I want to back up for a second...
1st question...
I'm making my way thru the standard to cement it all and the below pic raised my eyebrow.
Since the keyway locks the mutually perpendicular planes in rotation, and it has an offsetting basic dimension, they are saying the keyway UAME(unrelated actual mating envelope) must be set at this...
Quick question...
I believe ASME Y14.5.1M 2019 changed profile measurement value to be double the worst as 1994 was deviation in min/max.
My question was in 1994 did this same min/max approach apply to location or was this double the worst?
I'm having to program dimensions like this weekly. I'm not sure I've seen these type tangent to tangent dimensions in the standard, but whatever...assume it is a +-.005 here. They are a pain in the azz to make in GOM. I have two methods. Do you find the min/max of the actual features...
I'm trying to understand this callout that I think is illegal b/c I always default to physical hard gages.
So this primary datum is the exterior neck diameter of a screw. And the thru hole on the part is the position tolerance callout that uses LMB on datum B.
If you use LMB on an exterior...
I didn't understand the translation modifier until I simply watched Don Day's tec ease video on it recently:
Makes sense that a datum fixed by a basic dimension could not be properly located to the actual feature location so shit could not be stable...