Hi all, from doing a search of this site, it seems that the jury is still out on whether the IBC presumptive load values in Table 1806.2 are net or gross for the vertical bearing pressure. I have a foundation where e >L/6, so my bearing area is reduced. If I assume that the IBC presumptive table...
Hello all, I am reviewing a calculation and had a question regarding the use of "side friction" to resist overturning in a small precast shallow foundation. Not sure if I should post this in the geotech group or structural but since my background is structural, I started here. I have never seen...
Hi all, was wondering if anyone has come across WB-67 axle loading? I can only find the overall loading, which isn't terribly different from HS20 but wanted to see if anyone had reference info.
Hi all, this may or may not be the appropriate place to post this but I wanted to see if anyone has any experience with converting British or European standards to American standards for materials, testing, etc. My company has some products from our friends across the pond that they would like...
Hi all, wondering if anyone might have a useful handy quick reference for the US states and what their current building codes are? May be a long shot but wanted to reach out here before I go look up state by state to determine what they are. Main goal is to see which states have adopted IBC...
Hi all, a colleague of mine completed a "pull test" today to determine the pull-out load for a product we are planning to use as a small equipment foundation. My question is - what factor of safety (if any) should be used to determine the appropriate load limits, particularly for stability? My...
Hi all, apologies if this is rudimentary but I am getting myself confused with using the internal force summation tool (IFST) in RISA3D and interpreting results. See attached example. Slab is supported at the edges as shown in the attached. Mx is in the long direction; My is in the short...
Hi all, wanted to get some feedback/thoughts on having a precast equipment vault placed on top existing slab on grade. The equipment is small (~500 lb lateral load, and I assume max 1000 lb dead load). Normally I would anchor vault to the SOG whether through post-installed anchors or dowels, but...
Hi all, I have an embedded pole calculation that I am doing per IBC 1807. My question is do you consider asphalt and crushed stone as rigid constraint at the ground surface? There will be 3" of hot mix asphalt on top of 8" of crushed surfacing top course (all this on top of the compacted...
HI all,
Was reaching out to see if anyone had any references on design of concrete/precast wheel stops? I know they are typically standard designs but these have to be custom due to height restrictions and loading (70K).
Hi all, I wanted to ask about cast iron frames embedded in concrete, e.g. for manholes. I am not super familiar with the process or considerations but was wondering about dissimilar metal concerns between the embedded cast iron frame and carbon steel reinforcement, and any other considerations...
Hi all,
I have a long precast panel that is going to be used as an equipment foundation. The slab is being lifted with the lifting anchors embedded on the sides of the slab. The lifting anchor vendor provided the attached detail for reinforcement at the slab edges to resist shear breakout but I...
Hi all,
Looking to see if anyone has any resources or references for design of short hollow concrete columns? it's more like a short hollow concrete pedestal with applied moment and axial force at the top (P = 2000 lb, M = 2800 ft-lb)
Hi friends, I have searched this forum and found some good information but nothing definitive from what I've seen, so I'm really asking for opinions and /or best practice at this point. I have an equipment foundation bearing 1'-0" below grade (t/slab = grade). I am wondering if I need to include...
Hi all, I have an equipment foundation that the contractor wants to embed some conduits in (max. 3" diameter, i.e. OD = 3.5"). I am following general ACI guidelines for putting them in the middle third of the slab, not interfering with the compression area, not putting them on the bottom mat...
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the 8 point pick recommended spacing for precast in the PCI manual? I have a precast slab where we will need to do an edge pick and it will exceed the spacing for an 8 point pick as shown in the PCI manual and I am wondering if anyone has done...
Hi does anyone know what section(s) of ACI 318-19 discusses requirements for embedments (conduit, pipes, etc.) that was previously in ACI 318-11 Section 6.3?
Hi friends, wanted to get y'all's opinions on what risk category should be used for wind for EV chargers? There's no standard across where I work and I've seen Risk Category I and II used. I am torn because I do think they meet the requirements of RC I but I can also see RC II being applicable.
Hi all, I have a precast equipment foundation pad that the vendor wants to use threaded inserts in for their equipment anchors. Now they're asking if they can use threaded eyebolts in the inserts to lift the slab into place. 4 pick points at the same 4 anchor locations. The equipment is ~3000lb...
Hi all, I have an equipment foundation pad as shown in the attached. Wind load is pretty high (V=170mph) and the equipment itself is slender in the short direction (B as shown). The equipment itself is offset from the center of the foundation pad (shown by e1) but due to the lateral load, there...