Hi guys, having a little bit of a wonder regarding calculation of shear capacities of the reo in a pullout box is (for use in a jumpform application). Looking at manufacture's design guides are bit odd to me - for example Reid's design guide seems to dip into AS4100 bolt/pin connections by...
Hey all, needing some more experienced eyes on this one.
My company has a relatively large RC structure we're in the process of designing right now, ~30 stories of residential. I've been working on developing an SMath sheet with strut and tie calcs for the 3 & 4 pile caps, which isn't too...
Hi all, needing a bit of guidance on this one as I can't seem to find good answers for the scenario I've got in my workplace. Thanks in advance for any help.
In my workplace here in Sydney, the overwhelming majority of our projects will be pad/strip/core footings embedded into rock. For the...
Hi all, had a couple of questions regarding this clause. I'm early in my career and don't yet always grasp the intent behind the wording in the code (though having read past discussions on this forum, maybe not that uncommon?)
First off, when assessing the joint using the effective concrete...