I want to move part A and create constraint relative to part B. Part B should not be moved during the time.
Option 1: Use "Move Component" and select "by constraint".
In settings I can check "move selected components only", so part B won't be moved. But the constraints won't be saved. Once I...
I made a drawing for a body. Then I extracted the body, made some changes on the extracted body. Now I want to create a similar drawing for the extracted body.
But once I replace the body(by switching reference set, for example), all existing dimensions, centerlines, notes with leader, etc, are...
Hi everyone, I have a sketch with dimensions defined. I want to copy the sketch to other planes to create extrudes of the same profile but with different width/thickness and at different locations. I want them to link to each other so that in the future I can change one parameter and update all...
Hello all,
I am switching from Solidworks to NX.
In NX, the way I know to make a part transparent is select the part->right click or go to View->edit display->drag the translucency bar to the number desired->click OK.
There are at least four steps to achieve the goal, and dragging the bar to...