Scenario: Taking a subset of welds, hydrotesting them, placing them in service, and then later conducting x-ray examination of a predetermined weld. Is this practice code-compliant according to ASME B31.3?We are the owner-operator and are considering four spools for four different pieces of...
Considering b31.3 when using a chemical cleaning service for a units equipment before a shut down. Often we will have to make temporary pipe to support the service contractor. This pipe will most probably only used once due to unique configurations. How ever the pipe will be under process...
Currently we are being forced to follow a hydro-test procedure that derives its test pressures from the maximum allowable pressure the flange class can handle. This causes issues when the flange and butt joints tie into threaded connections. This problem along with others such as...
Considering B31.3 345.1 required leak test. Before initial operation a leak test is to be performed to insure tightness. Seemingly this leads me to believe a hydro should be performed in place as final install. However 345.2.3 tells me subassemblies can be tested separately or as assembled.