Thank you in advance for indulging me.
I’m tasked with standardizing our design practices for masonry shear walls, specifically per TMS 402/602-2022. Seems like everyone does shear walls a little differently, based on a search of this forum; maybe this thread will show otherwise...
Owner built a 100ft x 100ft pole barn out of wood, sans permit. Clear-span trusses reportedly designed/sealed by the manufacturer. No engineering for the rest of the building. County found out, and now the owner needs the beams/columns/footings checked to the County's satisfaction. I told the...
Had a friendly lunch with some sorta-competitors in my market who were very frank about never doing calcs for their work. Work ranges from design to repairs/retrofits, almost all wood. Are they messing with me or what? Obviously, a practitioner can output more work without pausing to do any...
Saw a fun one this weekend. Background: 20-year-old residential structure.
Sketch attached. For tall walls like this, I normally see buckled studs / inadequately fastened sheathing. I've never seen a hinge develop like this. Coolest bit was that, north of this condition, there was a floor...
I am reviewing an engineered design for a new residential structure having two stories above grade and a basement. A garage on a slab is built into the first story.
For the garage slab, the drawings indicate use of fill from the basement excavation. No compaction or moisture conditioning is...
A private client wishes to add load to their roof. Thus, I am analyzing their most critical monoslope wood truss in RISA3D. The span is 50 feet, and the slope is 1:12. The truss is in service. I documented my own measurements and other truss details for the analysis. Later, I procured the...
I am having trouble deriving the equilibrium equations provided in Fig. 4-22 of AISC's Design Guide 29, entitled "Vertical Bracing Connections - Analysis and Design." Refer to Sections 4.2.4 and 4.3 for a discussion of the analysis procedure(s).
Considering Example 5.12, I can only replicate...
I have a repair project located in a smaller city of Alabama. The building is a single-story retail structure with wood stud walls and pre-fab'd wood roof trusses. About 200 square feet of roof area is in need of attention following a tree impact. Before diving into any calculations or...
First time poster
We, a private consultant, performed a load survey for an owner on their large warehouse building. There were precipitating load events prompting our survey. In one area, we discovered that the 30K7 roof joists supported four new 6-inch SCH10 fire suppression lines. The lines...