Repost from the chemistry -> adhesives section that didn't get any replies:
Hello all, we are currently using J-B Weld # 8280 (aka 8281) two component epoxy to bond small pieces of urethane to zinc plated mild steel. These urethane pieces are not critical in any way to the function of the...
Hello all, we are currently using J-B Weld # 8280 (aka 8281) two component epoxy to bond small pieces of urethane to zinc plated mild steel. These urethane pieces are not critical in any way to the function of the assembly, more of just a minor convenience so if they fall out off in the field...
People Smarter Than Me,
I’m currently working on a slip clutch mechanism that is spun by a drill, but I am having some issues with maintaining a constant torque. The slip mechanism is working well, holding the working loads that it needs to and then breaking free when it should, but the goal is...
What are your thoughts on using a taper lock as a seal? The inner component has holes that allow fluid to flow between it and the outer housing. The outer housing is threaded onto the inner piece, and as it threads on the bore of the exit hole will hit a matching profile on the inner. The end of...
I am working on a slip clutch mechanism where the central drive shaft has a shoulder sticking out, and I slide on a clutch pad, a gear, another clutch pad, then run a nut down on the shaft to clamp everything down against the shoulder (the shaft is threaded). The goal is that we can set the...
This is perhaps not the correct category for this, but I don't exactly know how to classify this as there are several issues and I know it will be seen here...
We produce water storage tanks made from galvanized steel, which is common practice in our industry but it does rust/corrode/leak...
I am working on a functioning prototype that is very similar to what the final result will be. You can see in the attached image, my gear laminates that would be braze welded together, are drilled through so that a small roll pin can fix them to the shaft during assembly. Some time later the...
Hello all, I am designing the copper bussing (see attached concept image) for a new zinc plating tank to be built by an outside supplier who specializes in tank building. We are trying to minimize cost as much as we can so we are building the tank to have more electrical capacity than we should...
I'm not totally new to working with molds, but I don't have a ton of experience either, so this is definitely a new one for me.
Imagine your dogs food bowl, except it's 36" wide, has dividers in it and is made for cows. We currently have one model that has a divider straight down the middle...