I have written a UMAT for isotropic linear hardening model for calculating tangent modulus matrix. Now I want to check that the obtained tangent matrix is correct or not, could you please help me by providing any suitable solved example?
I just wanted to ask that the stiffness matrix in the plasticity region will be symmetric or not?
As we know the stiffness matrix or [C] is symmetric for elastic region.
I am trying to implement material non-linearity by in-built isotropic hardening plasticity model without considering geometric non-linearity.
But if I am turning off the Nlgeom there is no change in slope so could you tell me how to implement material non-linearity without considering the...
I have a problem related with .mtx file, which generated to store elemental stiffness value.
There are two questions:
1. In case of elemental matrix abaqus writes max. 4 value per line that's why the shape of matrix not looks clear.
I want to store this matrix in MATLAB or python but...
I am trying to export elemental stiffness matrix from Abaqus by adding the following lines in the input file
"*Element Matrix Output, Elset=Set-1, File Name=myMatrix, Frequency=1, Output File=User Defined,
Stiffness=Yes" for 4-noded linear quad element.
I got stiffness matrix but the size of...
Hello Sir,
In the restart analysis if both the steps are general static steps then there is propagation of displacement boundary condition is possible from step-1 to step-2.
But if we consider step-1 as gen. static step and step-2 as a perturbation step then the propagation of displacement...
Hello Everyone, I am trying to do a Restart Analysis with linear perturbation step in Abaqus for the plasticity problem (or to calculate tangent modulus for Elasto-plastic material). Can you tell me how to store calculated values for each iteration during restart analysis?