In the B31.3J, general note 7(e) says : The flexibility and stress intensification factors apply only if the following conditions are satisfied: (e) - the matching run pipe thickness, T, and diameter, D, are maintained for at least two run pipe diameters on each side of the branch...
Flexibility analysis : I have an operating case OPE1 = T1 + W + P1 and another one OPE2 = T2 + W + P1.
I get two expansion cases : EXP1 = OPE1 - SUS and EXP2 = OPE2 - SUS
I then can get a final expansion case to get the full range case between T1 and T2 : EXP3 = EXP1 - EXP2.
What is...
I understand that a new version of the ASME is published every two years. Is there a report explaining why changes have been made? The redline is not very usefull on this matter.
Thanks in advance
I understand that Appendix 1-10 was usefull to evaluate forces and moments for large openings. I also understand that it was deleted, but can it still be considered as a "recognized and generally accepted
method" to be used according to U-2(g)?
Thanks in advance
My CAESAR II include the full path of my piping file, instead of just the relative path (see image) :
The first two files have correct relative path, but the last one which I personnally included is taking the full path.
How can i include files like the first two?
Thanks in advance