Do you have any idea on why type certificate holders, e.g. Boeing, assign two different part number to flap carriages on port and starboard sides of aircraft whereas flap mechanism on two side should be symmetric?
Pneumatic differentiator is a safety device which is fitted to a regulator& shut off control valve at upstream of pneumatic starter of gas turbine engine that is highlighted with red ellipse. Do you have any idea on its working principle?
Pneumatic differentiator is a safety device which is fitted to a regulator& shut off control valve at upstream of pneumatic starter of gas turbine engine that is highlighted with red ellipse. Do you have any idea on its working principle?
High pressure rotor of turbofan engine was found to have seized during third start attempt subsequent to two hot start. do you have any idea on causes of the event?
In weight &balance control and loading manual , Body Station (B.S.) is defined as a manufacturing location on the airplane. For first of an airplane model, B.S. are continuous from the front to the aft of the airplane. For later versions that are either stretched (i.e. fuselage inserts added) or...
Would you mind advising proper borescope model for inspecting Tay650&CFM56&CF6-80C&Lycoming ALF502/LF507 engine models? how is FOV(Field Of View) related to the diameter of the remote visual inspection probe? Why do TCH(type certificate holders) still advise rigid borescope instead of flexible...
existing repair on stub beams beneath the floor of aircraft passenger cabin is characterized as following:
"The existing repair must have removed the radius detail of the lower
inboard corner of the stub beam web"
Do you have any idea on what "radius detail" means?
How can mechanic measure distance of underlying structural elements of fuselage skin (e.g. stringers, internal doubler around door cutouts) from a specific cracked fastener hole in the fuselage skin through external inspection, given that SRM schematics don't include all required dimensions?