Hello Guys,
I am wondering how to mesh the part in the picture. I want to have a precice mesh in the outer layer (size ~0.5), following a tet mesh to combine it to the inner part that should be a size of around ~2.5 like the global mesh. Since only the outer layer is involved in the contact, I...
Hi Guys,
I've got a question concerning the material calibration in Abaqus for a Hertzian pressing model of two two cylinders. I'm not quite sure about my contact area so I modeled a combined volume in CAD and ran some simulations with varying my Youngs Modulus of the softer part. Now I am a...
I have build a contact simulation (surface to surface, hard contact) in Abaqus in which a concave part is pushed against a convex part by a simple displacement along the U1 Axis. The main goal is to get the contact force. The result is quite fine, but I've got two problems.
1. It seems like...