Hi there,
I would like to define two field variable. First Field variable is the step time and second one is the plastic shear strain. So, I would like to vary the angle of internal friction as well as the cohesion with the step time and plastic strain. I have three step. First step time is...
Hi there,,
I have wrote a code to see the sdv results. Here in my model, I have four parts. For every parts, it creates separate sdv results. Like in this picture there are two parts. Upper pars shows a results and lower parts shows in another results. But I would like to see both of them...
Hello there,
I was following a thread where they discuss how to vary young's modulus with step time. Here is the link for your kind information
But unfortunately, I don't understand where I should...
Hi there,
I am doing research on slope stability analysis by Abaqus. I am following effective stress analysis. Can anybody suggest me some good resources where they analysed the slope with effective stress through abaqus.
I will be very very appreciated of your help.
Hi there,
I want to analyse a model in CEL where I want to analyse in two steps. After running the first step, I want to transform those results in next steps(Like all the stress components), then I want to analyse it from there. How to do this transformation in abaqus CEL?
Hi there,
I run an analysis then extract the result in csv file and gave input as an initial condition in the next analysis. But I am facing some issues. The results should be like this photo:
It is working fine for a model but when I use the different parts within same geometry then it...
Hello There,
I want to vary the Angle of Internal friction and cohesion with time. Here in the black arc at the bottom of the slope, I want reduce the strength parameters with simulation time. Say, at the very begining my angle of internal friction(Phi) is 28 and cohesion(c') is 10. It will...
Hi there,
I was trying to model a cut soil to simulate the basal heave in narrow braced excavation. Here in this picture I used steel plate. After running the simulation the steel plate has moved down a little bit which is not acceptable. I used bottom point fixed in the steel plate. The soil...
Hello there,
I am trying to model a slope. I have some initial von misses stress in ABAQUS. We know that the that Von misses yield strength is two times(2*Su) of undrained shear strength. So in my drained analysis, I need to fix the soil properties before failure so that the slope is stable in...
I want to model this slope in Geostress condition where I will expect this kind of result after end of the step. I can apply predefined field in the slope. I want to run this analysis in Dynamic Explicit Mode. But after running this analysis , I am not getting the expected result as this...
Hello Altruistic People,
I believe everyone is fine. Let me explain something, I want to vary Angle of Internal friction and Cohesion with PEEQ. So I want to write VUSDFLD. Here, I don't understand that how to expand the PEEQ of Mohr-Cuolomb. I mean what could be the final solution of PEEQ in...
Hi there,
I want to do some slope stability analysis through Abaqus Explicit. So, first step I want to see that the slope is stable in existing condition. For this, I want to apply geostress from predefined field. When I apply geostress then run the analysis, it shows high kinetic energy. But it...
Hi there,
I am looking for a guideline to write the modified Mohr coulomb failure criteria. Does anybody have any source file that can be shareable? Can you please suggest a book where I can get all the equations of plasticity theory for Mohr-Coulomb? I need some help.
Thank you so much.
Hi there,
I am facing some issues when going to implement my abaqus subroutine. I perform the step-1 which is geostatic step. Then I would like to decrease the strength in some portion of material. How I can go with it?
Can I use the subroutine for specific step?
Can I decrease the strength of...
I am willing to write a VUSDFLD subroutine where the Angle of internal friction (Phi) and Dilation angle will be vary with strain. I am attaching the photo for better understanding. Now can you please check whether my subroutine is okay or not? I will be very grateful to you.
Here is my...
Hi there,
Please see the first photo where the cohesion can be varied with plastic strain.
Now, I wanna vary the angle of internal friction with plastic strain also. How can I do this? As CAE there is no direct option to vary the angle of internal friction. Is it possible to do with Abaqus CAE...
Hi there,
I am willing to simulate a geotechnical-related problem. Where I want to simulate a slope. In this problem analysis, I am eager to use the Mohr Culomb model. In the Mohr-Cuolomb failure criteria, we use cohesion(c') and Angle of internal friction (Φ'). I want these two properties to...