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  1. CorporalToe

    How to implement hinge boundary condition in Opensees

    I am trying to simulate a frame where the beams are connected to the columns via hinges. I have it working as rigid connection but I do not know how to add releases for the moments.
  2. CorporalToe

    Apply to Engineering Positions in the US

    Hey everyone, I'm a Canadian citizen about to finish my master's in structural engineering. I've already passed both the FE and PE exams (Oregon lets you take the PE early) and I'm registered as an EIT in Texas. My goal is to work in the U.S., and I'm planning to apply for jobs there directly...
  3. CorporalToe

    Shear Walls in a Timber Structure

    Hello I am doing a design project for school. I am designing an office building, all the structural components have to be made from wood. I plan to design CLT shear walls for the LFRS, and I want to use conventional 2x4 stud framing for the reminder of the exterior walls to only carry vertical...
  4. CorporalToe

    Semi-Stiff Connection between Nodes

    Hello I am trying to create a semi-stiff connection between 2 nodes but having difficult. Currently I can simulate a fixed connection by using the beam connector, and a pinned connection by using JOIN+ROTATION connection type. However I want to implement a semi stiff connection. Just something...
  5. CorporalToe

    Determine Rigid or Flexible Diaphragm Story Drift

    Hello, I have a question, according to ASCE 7 a diaphragm can be idealized as flexible if maximum diaphragm deflection is greater then 2 times average story drift. Assuming my building has multiple shear walls as its LFRS. I can calculate the story drift by finding the vertical...
  6. CorporalToe

    Why do you not shift the NA

    Hello I was doing a question in order to prep for the PE exam and I ran into this problem which I got wrong. In this question since the cross section is being loaded axially plus a moment due to the eccentricity, that the neutral axis will shift from the centroid location. However in the...
  7. CorporalToe

    Punching Shear Capacity

    Hello, I have a question regarding the punching shear capacity for a foundation footing. I am using ACI 318-14 Section to determine vc (nominal shear strength), to get the shear force (Vc) from this I use Vc = vc * b0 * d, but I can't seem to find this equation in ACI 318. Could someone...
  8. CorporalToe

    Steel Angle Question

    Hello I am studying for my PE Civil Structural Exam. I was wondering for this question why would you not use the yielding formula from AISC 360-16 F.10: Question: Solution:
  9. CorporalToe

    Young's Modulus for A992 Steel

    Why is E for A992 Steel 29000 ksi when AISC says the Fy = 50 ksi, and typically es = 0.002?
  10. CorporalToe

    How hard is PE Civil Structural Exam

    I am currently a MS student and I recently passed my FE Exam, I’m thinking about just doing my PE Exam before school starts in September. I will just register with a state where the exam is decoupled. How much studying is required? Is 2 months of prep enough and also do you have any advice?
  11. CorporalToe

    How do you find the vertical lateral force resisting system deflection?

    I am trying to find out if my diaphragm is rigid or flexible, I can find the diaphragm deflection pretty easily, however I do not know how to find average deflection of adjoining vertical elements deflection. Is is just the highest deflection in my shear walls that governs the deflection amounts?
  12. CorporalToe

    Is a Masters needed to be a Sturctural Engineer

    Do you think it is worth it spend 2 years to get a Masters after graduating to become a Structural Engineer?
  13. CorporalToe

    Low Base Shear Dynamic Analysis

    Hello, I am currently modeling a build into SAP2000 and I am getting a low base shear after performing a Linear Dynamic Analysis on my model. It is 50% of the base shear that I calculated using the Elastic Static Force Procedure. Is this a cause for concern? And that does the low base shear...
  14. CorporalToe

    One way Slab System Question

    Hello, I am designing a CLT one way slab system. I was wondering, do I need to account for the load the slab will transfer to the edge beam? Like I know in theory we don't consider the beam carrying load however in real life it will carry something is it okay to neglect it?
  15. CorporalToe

    How to export deformation diagram in SAP2000

    So when I run analysis, I can see the deflection in any particular beam, is their a way to export this? I can export the moment and shear force diagrams, but not the deformation shape diagram.
  16. CorporalToe

    Can a shear wall be load bearing

    I want to make a shear wall however also have it be load bearing. Is this possible and or commonly done?
  17. CorporalToe

    How to model a cantilevered slab in SAP2000

    I want to make a one way slab that is cantilevered off of a beam how should I attempt to do this?
  18. CorporalToe

    How make a sloped and flat roof diaphragm in SAP2000

    Hello, I am trying to make a flat roof and sloped roof diaphragm. For the flat roof I think I did it right. I made a area thin shell element, I am using CLT wood for the roof, so I set the material as wood. I made the m11, m22, m12, v13, v23 modifiers 0.0001, also made the mass and weight 0, as...
  19. CorporalToe


    Hello, I am getting this warning on my model but I do not know why. This is the error I get using the standard solver. Operation : RUNNING ANALYSIS Load Case : Solving Linear Stiffness from Zero (unstressed) initial conditions NUMERICAL PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED DURING EQUATION ASSEMBLY: ***...
  20. CorporalToe

    SAP2000 How to design shear walls using shells

    I am trying to model shear walls in my model. I am using shell elements, however when I add them in I am getting axial load in my beams, when my load case is only self weight. I do not know why this is happening. I tried putting diaphragm constraints in the Z-axis but this did not work. Also How...

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