I am trying to get two AM simulations working in Abaqus 2021. One is with a concentrated moving heat source, and the other is with a Goldak heat source model. The concentrated source works fine, but when I run the Goldak model, it throws a memory error after 10 increments. My device has...
I am trying to access my Abaqus model through Python interpreter. I have created the model in Abaqus 2022 already and want to extract the ODB through Abaqus file and extract stresses and deformation values through it in a csv file. I have the code for it and after many trial runs it just...
I am using Abaqus 2022 version for my project where I am finding thermal and structural analysis of my workpiece. I installed the student version of Abaqus in my computer but it does not seem to work. I am using a student version of Abaqus using my university Vpn and License and it works...