They are suggesting community hub battery sub stations. The one in the photo will keep 4000 houses going for 1 hour. Typical outages are 5 days long. So in reality 33 houses.
Designing a power generation system that delivers an average of 24 gigawatts (GW) while accommodating the intermittency of renewables and aligning with typical daily demand curves requires a strategic mix of energy sources. Below is a proposed energy mix, along with associated costs and...
Solid state battery for EVs
Less flammable, better energy density. Sounds good.
I'd point out that EVs are a very expensive way to remove one kg of CO2 from anthropogenic emissions, but this'll help
So this basically integrates AI with a Python code generator. The work stream is much like the way I use ChatGPT to write Matlab code, but neater. It is just as stupid as ChatGPT, it writes neat code that initially gives the wrong answer...
I haven't found a decent quality sound file of this, but they have at least run a spectrogram, showing alot of activity 0-100 Hz and around 230 Hz, the latter having a...
Bit of a tricky set of charts to understand. Basically they look at various amounts of overbuild, and then 0 3 or 12h of storage.
For example, if you have 3h of storage for Australia, and build 100% of nominal...
Rather a good summary from Dr Sabine. She is a true believer in climate change, but seems rather more astute than your average doom and gloomer. She seems to think that a certain president implementing what his voters want to happen is somehow poor behavior.
Here'a funny video when she looks...
Good realistic look at why hydrogen electrolysis projects are struggling worldwide. Since it was on the ABC I was expecting the usual boosterism. Nah, basic line was you can't subsidise bad physics to success...
Never seen the attraction myself, but this paper investigates why a bungee jumper accelerates at more than 1g
Good stuff.
Once we've got green hydrogen by the barrel load (don't hold your breath) this thing will allow the elites to carry on flying to Davos and COP parties, while the rest of us take the train. None the less it is an engineering solution to climate change, even if it is relying on something that...
Although it doesn't make the slightest difference to anything, France hit 95% renewables last year, and provided a great deal of energy to various idiotic countries pursuing wind and solar and storage solutions to non existent problems.
Sorry it's Bloomberg, they want your $...
I include a very simple problem, a flat plate simply supported on 3 edges with uniform loading (OK I know that corner and midpoints should get different loads, nonetheless...)
However the thing doesn't solve. I'm sure the reason is blindingly obvious but am currently stumped. FWIW all the...
I don't suppose it is much news to say that I'm thoroughly opposed to eVTOL taxis , purely from the noise issue, but here is the FAA looking at something I didn't think about, the downwash and radial wind speeds under a rotorcraft as it lands and takes off. These are high enough that my...
The People's Republic has just passed a law requiring 5 GW of batteries be bought. The energy content is unspecified, but is thought to be likely to lie between 4 h and 10h, hence 20-50 GWh. Even at the lower end that is a significant proportion of the state budget...
This is a puzzle.
$500 M to create 10000 tonnes of hydrogen per year from hydropower. So at 10% RoC, $5/kg. Market price of hydrogen is $2/kg - I wonder who will pay the difference?
NY is going to need every bit of storage it can get, turning almost half of (some of) that stored energy into...
Great fun.
Different company uses AI to optimise its design