Just a quick quesion to the forum, my company seems to want to make all the sections view cut lines / & text in orange... Is this actually allowed? I thought that all sections had to be black... (from past experience)
Solid Edge; I-Deas 7 to 12; NX4 to NX8.5 / TeamCenter 9.1 &...
Just a simple quick question. In NX & Ideas 2D drafting you could do a view border manual edit (and the geometry inside would be cropped...)
So, to be clear I mean the dotted line around the individual 2D drawing view that is orange when you hover over and blue on select, I want to resize...
I am new to SolidWorks and wondered if someone could advise on the creation of the following loft (see the word file)
I need to transition from a flat sketch to a 3D surface with a draft of 15 degrees but I cannot find the correct command.
Thank you.
Solid Edge; I-Deas 7 to 12; NX4...
I have a question regarding the export of the PDF in NX (8.5)
Is it possible to set the filename of the PDF to be something else i.e:
BASE012345_A_PDF --> BASE012345_A_RELEASED
At present the default is _PDF.
Additionally, would it be possible to get NX to automatically append the 2D...
Please could someone let me know what the process is to edit an 'old style' broken view created in NX 7.5 when using version 8.5.
To clarify what I would like to do is to move the position of the break lines...
Whilst the new broken view command is very much improved (no longer reling on a...
Hello I have a question on part descriptions: (software confirm: NX7.5 / TC 8.3 / XL 2010)
Is it possible to get a part family master part to modify, populate, and load a new description in TeamCenter for all the child parts?
I'm needing to build the part description in Excel first beased on...
Hi Some advice if you could please!
I have created a part family of an assembly.
There are about 50 members of the family. The master assembly has a 2D drawing (Embedded style, no separate drawing)
When I revise the master assembly the 2D drawing updates fine.
The 2D drawings for each member...
Does anyone know if it is possible for NX to generate a 'total length of weld' (i.e. for all welds on a big assembly) and output that figure to an attribute?
Thank you for any suggestions.
P.S. If you use the auto weld symbol in conjunction with the weld command then you get a value...
I have just treid the 'new' import 2D facility on 2012 and I am not getting good results. After processing the file for about 10 minutes I get a very poor import of the 2D file from NX (version 6)
Am I doing something wrong? (Command line > IMPORT then choose the file...)
Anyone else got...
Any help on the following is greatly appreciated:
Is it possible for NX to revision control an Excel file as if it were a drawing and write the revision automatically to the header of the Excel file?
Thank you.
Solid Edge; I-Deas 7 to 12; NX4, NX5 & currently NX6.
Hello - a message to request any information relating to Teamcenter Requirements Manager.
- Has anyone used this for managing their specifications?
- Is there a simple way to get this software component to add in specification part numbers (Items) to an assembly BOM so it will be displayed on...
I have a requirement which I would like some advice on.
I would like the option of having one part (let's call it partA)that has an extrude feature with 'until next selected' ONLY.
Imagine that the first part in the assembly is a round beam. Then I bring in my partA which is now positioned in...
I recently found the wide range of useful symbols you can attach to a 2D drawing. This is in the Insert > custom symbols dialogue. Please note the following questions relate to NX version 6.
I'm having difficulty placing the symbol on the drawing. Once you have chosen the symbol you need (for...
Please could you advise me here. My understanding is that a dimension in a rectangle box is theoretical and without tolerances (other than those defined in the drawing border)
I have, however been approached by another take on this. Please see the attached sketch.
I'm told that the 27mm...
I would require the details of the constituant elements listing for zinc alloy 5 contained in specification FR EN 12844 (Or also listed per ISO 3815-2 or BS-EN12844 or just EN-12844). Just need to cross check details of our material which conforms to our US specification (ASTM B-240) Any help...
On a specification sheet for powder coat material I have the value >5 for the mandrel banding test (ISO 1519). On a slightly newer version of the sheet the same test value is now ?10 Please could someone explain the interpretation of the figures relative to the test that is carried out on the...
Is anyone familiar with the testing of powder coated components according to the cupping test (ISO 1520) and more importantly the significance of the ?4mm value that I see on the specification sheet for the powder. I can't see why the 4mm should have a ? value. Does this value relate to the ball...
I have been trying to extrude a simple hex shape along a path.
I'm getting a very strange result. Looks OK form a distance but the edges are not correct. All I need is for the hex section to follow the guide. I'm guessing that the problem is coming from the section options drop-down. I'm not...
A general question for the forum. I like the option of being able to shade views on 2D drawings. NX5 is the first 3D package I have used that allows this option.
I usually use this option on iso. views, or where it helps in understanding the components - especially useful on customer drawings...
I have question relating to the creation of threads within NX5 and the associated drawing.
When modeling a threaded shaft with the symbolic thread option on I can get NX5 to make the note associative within the related 2D drawing. (insert-feature parameters)
When modeling a threaded shaft with...