Hi all
My part specification tree doesnt show the design table I created. I cant even see the Relations branch. Can anybody tell me what the problem is.Would really appreciate any help.
Hi all
I tried to open one of my part files and it gives me a incident report which says: " ERROR - Problem reading document-Load operation failed and ERROR-Corrupted part document: features are missing in filename.CATpart (including mechanical part)".
I really dont' understand this and if I...
I have a part with 15 features and some open bodies and from 6th feature there is a update icon adjuscent. And when I click update its giving me error "No entry found for error id 0x00000001".
I am not able to add any more features or delete anything. Can anyone help me.
Hi all
I am fairly new to Catia V5. My question is: When I import a solid model into drafting and if I create any geometry ( say a line or a circle) in any particular view and try to dimension them from the center line (Or any reference) of that view it doesn't allow me to do it. I had to create...
When I have a 3D model, my dimensions are all in inches. When I transfer the 3D model over to Drafting it converts into some other unit of measurement. Does anyone know where or how to set the unit of measurement to always be in inches? Otherwise I had to right-click on each dimesion at a time...
I am using V5R12. When I give a dimension it rounds of to 3 decimal places like if i put 1.65485 it rounds of to 1.655, can any one help me overcome this problem.