I have been browsing various spec sheets and brochures but cant seem to find any information if Fristam FL100 L pump is self priming and if yes, how mush suction head it can provide. So if you have this information i would appriceiate it if you could share :-)
--- Best regards, Morten Andersen
Anybody who will dare en opinion with regards to the question: Will a pressure sure (generated by closing a downstream valve) "pass through" a P&F HX? I want to install a bursting disc upstream the HX (for reasons NOT related to the surge) but i dont want the disc to burst if an occational...
The formula for calculating erosional velocity in API 14E is for "sand free fluids". What is the threshold value for "sand free"? I have heard a number like <1 lb per 1000 BBL i dont know where it comes from and i cant seem to find it in API 14E.
Best regards, Morten
Anybody got a good reference for properties of a mixture of a light condensate (mostly propane and butane) and water at 220 barg (and higher pressure)?
Best regards, Morten
I work in upstream and we would like to implement a cold process as water dew point control (and HC) using methanol as the freezing point depressant/hydrate inhibitor. We hear that this could cause downstream problem and/or a price penalty. I would therefor like to hear from people who works in...
If you (as i have) were working on a project that crashed catastrophically even public - but you honestly feel that you (in your discipline and in the design) did a good job and that the major cause for the poor performance was project execution would you then refrain from mentioning...
I cant find a clause in API 537 that either prohibits or allows the use of a flare gun as the primary method for igniting the flare pilot except for section 4.8.2, third bullet point where its stated that igniter shall work without relying on the flare igniting the pilot (i think its impossible...
Does "process control" imply an instrument loop with a measurements and an actuator - or could an operator adjusting a valve manually also be called "process control" if he has to observe a gauge to do this? The reason that i ask is that we have a skimming pot inside a TEG contactor. This should...
A consultant has performed some work for us on a fire water system using pipenet. I have myself done many such simulations using a tool that seems very similar (Flowmaster). They are both single phase, both allow "priming" by allowing the user to specify certain parts of the network initially...
For a TZV usually a calculation would not be required since the relief rate is low.
What about other applications of relief valves where over pressure is not the issue but e.g. pump protection is? Take a chemical injection pump. The pump might not be able to over pressure the piping system but...
In API 14C /ISO 10418 tehre is a figure that shows a number of typical wellheads. (see attached drawings).
Does anybody here know if an alternative configuration where the...
Anybody who know http://praxis-global.com/index.aspx and maybe have attended a course with them?
Im specifically thinking about a production chemistry/flow assurance course that they will hold in Istanbull (Turkey) in August?
They dont have a lot of info on their web pages - and i dont want to...
Gents, hope to get some insights to the following design proposal:
- We are looking at a field development with excess NGL's and would like to use these (some of it) for fuel
- We will have an NGL splitter, a reboiled absorber
- We will have diesel back-up so that we dont stop the turbines if...
Im a chemical engineer, and i want to brush up (and improve) on my corrosion knowledge.
Im looking for a mid level course with some theory and a focus on design (material selection) and mitigation/management
So, i was thinking that the NACE "Corrosion Control In The Refining Industry" sounded...
Google "fouling thermal conductivity" and you get lots of hits but i think i stared myself blank because all these references (and my old text books) allways refer to the overall value (BTU/FT² h F or a similar SI unit system value) - NOT the conductivity of the substance e.g. FT h F/BTU and...
I know its now brand new - but i have only resently become aware of ISO 4126.
The splitting into many sub documents (that must be purchased seperately) confuses me a little.
Could anybody here help me with a brief comparison of API 520/521/526 vs ISO 4126?
Oh yes - and then there is ISO...
Generally speaking: What are the most common "tricks" to reduce vibration in a TEMA type S&T HX?
I know this may be a "too general" question - but lets say a BEM type 1 or 2 passes. What would help here, e.g. with high shell side fluid flow?
Best regards
I have a field line from a well pad to a gas treatment facility a couple of km away. The fluid is gas with a very low level of condensate/water. The line slopes constantly up towards the plant.
I would like to have an opportunity to drain liquids out of the line and would therefore like a drain...
API 521 forms the basis of many relief systems workld wide - and the paradigme for depressuring "7 barg or 50% of design pressure within 15 minutes" is industry standard.
But API 521 sec actually opens up for other methodes and refer to a report by a Norwegian consultancy adoped by...