I am currently designing a "masonry guardwall". The wall is 5'-00" tall and sits on top of a stone retaining wall. The thickness of the masonry wall is 16" and the reinforcement will be extended from masonry wall to stone wall and maintain at least a development length. The stone retaining...
I remember there is a maximum length for concrete slab without pour strips or expansion joints. Can anyone tell me what is the length and which code section?
If I remember right, this length limitation is different for pour strips and expansion joints. The requirements are also different...
I am currently working on an existing steel building. The composite floor was originally designed for 50 PSF of live load. The building owner now wants to add some heavy equipment to the floors. Based on my analysis, the floor beams need to be strengthened. However, the floor below belongs...
Hi all:
I am designing a small steel assembly for a mechine, which has four "legs". The legs of this assembly will be bolted to an industrial floor on grade. Due to the overturning moment, the pullout force for legs is approximiately 20 kips per leg. The self weight of the assembly...
I am looking for a good source of equations needed to evaluate the moment capacity of a partially prestressed section using strain compatibility. I am specifically looking at unbonded post-tensioning. The ACI method is simple and efficient use of section equilibrium, but I need something more...
I have some questions for unbonded post-tensioning construction design.
1. For an unbonded post-tensioning strand in a mutiple span beam or slab, can we use the average effective force in strand after all losses or we have to use the effective force on the furthest point from stressing...