I have been trying to find a sort of a guide to use a design software for Drilled Piers for Telecommunication Towers. The software is made by Powerline systems and it is call CAISSON. I am currently having difficulties trying to come up with suitable or workable foundation designs for such...
I have been trying to find a sort of a guide to use a design software for Drilled Piers for Telecommunication Towers. The software is made by Powerline systems and it is call CAISSON. I am currently having difficulties trying to come up with suitable or workable foundation designs for such...
I have been trying to find a sort of a guide to use a design software for Drilled Piers for Telecommunication Towers. The software is made by Powerline systems and it is call CAISSON. I am currently having difficulties trying to come up with suitable or workable foundation designs for such...
Any one out there familiar with the CAISSON softweare from Power Line Systems. Any good tips to design drilled peir foundation for comunication poles will be helpful.
Where can I find the paper noted at the end of the last post for the thread "thread256-145542".....
"Analysis and Design of Laterally Loaded Plies and Caissons in a Layered Soil System" by Tarun R. Naik and Alain H. Peyrot, pages 589-606, Methods of Structural Analysis, Vol.II, Edited by...
Has anyone used this software before. I would like to purchase it, and like a little insight on it. Currently trying to design foundations for utility poles.