Need your help. I am designing a simple wood structure that has a 4'-0" high band of brick veneer. We are in Akron Ohio, so for a 3/8" wide expansion joint the spacing is about 18'-0". THe architect thinks thay are too close together. Are there any special considerations for a short veneer...
Has anyone heard of water seeping thru a 4'-6" deep reinforced concrete slab with a water tank membrane on it. We designed a water pedestal and they get water on hte bottom of the slab 125' in the air and the State believes it is leaking thru the slab and membrane.
I want to design a sheet metal trampoline for my daughter's goats. See the following link: Does anyone have experience is sheet metal design and can tell me how to proceed?
Our firm has been asked by a local fabricator (Fabricator #1) to fill out charts for the capacity of fixed columns - 3", 3 1/2" diameter. This will be used so they can obtain an ICC-ES report. See ESR-1767 obtained by another local fabricator (Fabricator #2). This is essentially the same...
I need help. The Soils engineer made us increase the depth of our mat foundation by 16 inches. We forgot to increase the S & T steel. The reviewing Engineer has had our calculations for over 3 weeks. The Contractor has all the rebar set and is ready to pour tuesday. Well, the reviewing...
I need help. I have searched through various posts but have not found out how to design the interface between the slab and frost wall of a water tank. See attached PDF. We have seismic and wind shear and overturning...
We are designing concrete slabs for a Contractor that uses a International tank manufacturer. This tank manufacturer will not design any foundation unless it is just a standard simple foundation. SO this contractor asks us to design the non-standard ones.
Lately, this tank manufacturer is...
We are the EOR on an office building and we did the stair design also for local fabricator. We located the footing for the single column for the monumental stair. The stair was revised but we didn't catch the revised location for the single column. Well the Architect says we cannot cut the...
I found out that Haiti has a Building Code (2012 CNBH, ISBN: 978-99935-7-455-2) but it is in French. Does anyone know how to find one in English?
I need help. We are designing a train unloading pit in Florida with a high water table. What would you recommend as a waterproofing system for the walls of the pit? We don't need a cadillac but we should have something better than just tarring the walls.
I am performing some volunteer structural design for a small church that will be constructed in Haiti. Does anyone know how to obtain wind and seismic data for Haiti?
I need some help. We are analyzing an existing tank wall from 1973. It is 16" wide and 21' tall. It is part of a wastewater tank. We are designing a shoring system to add a wall on the other side of the wall. We have to drill 1 3/4" diameter holes, 10" deep in it for 1 1/4" anchors. The...
I am being asked to look at a silo that had a fire in it to see if we can place steel hoops around it and still use it. Any pointers? See attached PDF with pictures.
I received a soils report and the report recommends 2000 psf bearing pressure and a site class of D. I am not a soils engineer but I think the 2000 psf is too much. Blow counts are as low as 3. See attached for the soil boring logs. Should I recommend getting a peer...
I have some experience with under pinning footings but not with adding 100 kips to an existing footing. See attached PDF. They want to add a crane column to an existing footing. Can I just dowel into the existing footing and add footing size and check the dowels for shear and...
How do you get the diaphragm load to the top of the corridor wall? Top of corridor truss bearing is 10'-0". The ridge of the roof is 23'-5" high. The the heel height of the trusses at the corridor wall is about 13'-5" tall. How does the load in the roof diaphragm get to the top of the shear...
Need help. I designed a retaining wall that will bear on rock. My plans require that the footings be placed at frost depth. The contractor does not want to excavate 3'-6" of rock to make this happen. Could we dowel into the rock to prevent frost heave? Or should I make them remove the rock?
We are having a debate in our office. Historically, we only use Horizontal wind Pressures found in figure 6-2 of ASCE-07-05 to determine the lateral load for the design of a portal frame. A new Engineer here believes we have to use the vertical pressures also and apply them to the frame. Does...
I have been asked to prepare some seismic calculations for a state that I have no license in. The project specifications do not require a PE. Am I still responsible to have a license there?
A Client of mine want to add load to a concrete plank floor system. No one has plans of the existing planks. Has anyone ever exposed the tendons and measured the diameter and used that info to estimate the strength of the planks. Then grout the hole back up?