I would like to know what the standard color scheme for the indication of "OPEN / CLOSE" on control panels remote from actual breakers.
We currently use white(amber) for indicating that the breaker is CLOSED, and we use green for indicating that the breaker is OPEN.
Reason for white(amber) is...
Well, the time has come to be seriously thinking about the steps necessary in shutting down our generation plant.
I would like to get any insight you may have had when you participated in a shutdown like this.
We have 9 diesel/nat. gas generation units, with the oldest unit a 1939 Fairbanks...
Need contact info on any Worthington Diesel engine techs. One of our generation engines has developed a fuel problem, and we have extinguished all of our in-house knowledge. Would like to visit with any tech who might have diesel fuel experience on a 1957 Worthington 16 cylinder engine with...
The EPA states in their RICE/NESHAP rules that one can generate, in emergency mode, if there is a voltage deviation of 5%.
My question is what amount of energy do you use to get the amount to apply the 5% to?
Our incoming power is basically a 69kV supply. It ranges in reality from 68 to...
We have numerous jacketwater pumps at our "emergency only" power generation (diesel engines) plant.
One of our operators has suggested replacing the existing packing type of seals for mechanical type. The pumps in question are 50+ year old Allis Chalmers type, with nameplate info: model...
We are planning a major retrofit of one of our buildings, a public library. The plan is to retrofit all of the 4' fluorescent fixtures with LED type tubes. I would think the tubes used won't require a driver, so the fluorescent ballast will be removed, and line voltage brought to one end of...
I have need for the calculation for determining emissions from a CI diesel generator based on gallons of fuel used. I know how to utilize EPA data in our Title V operating permit for required reports, but my question is more basic than that.
Specific: Enterprise engine, 7131 hp, 5125 kw, 16v...
In 2004 we built a primary metering station on a pole for a newly built RO plant. Recently we retired this setup, to install smaller CTs. The orginal cts (ABB KON-11, 100:5), when opened on the ground, were each shown to have the 2 secondary terminals shorted together, with the factory link...
I need a little guidance on a project I want to complete for our ageing light plant.
Right now the generator section, as well as the circuit feeders out of our light plant have panel indicators on breakers and controls as follows: Breaker ON, amber light, breaker OFF, green light with a 2nd...
I am looking for any articles, standards or links for information on developing a utility pole identification scheme, for a small electric utilty. any help?
I just got done looking at the thread238-155020 about AIC ratings and utility transformers. I work for a utility, and the lead lineman asked me a question that I was not able to answer.
Is the short-circuit current for transformers available only from the manufacturer, or is there an online...
I need some suggestions for a hand-held device for entering power plant readings which are taken on the hour, 24-7. Readings include a number different breaker's amp readings and a number of different voltage readings, as well as standard hourmeter readings.
I would like this hand-held...
I am troubleshooting the controls for an AC generator (vintage 1940) in our light plant. I need some info on the actual wiring of the exciter, which has 3 conductors, indentified on prints as EN, EF, & EP. Can anyone explaing how this exciter works, and/or any troubleshooting tips?
Is there any software out that would allow someone to read the .j9D files which make up the data generated by the PA9 recorder, besides the software from the recorder itself?
We would like to make our results from recordings we have taken on our lines, available to our customers (or their...