I just graduated and get my first job now.
I look around the company and have no idea which department does fit(and feed)me well. In term of money wise, I wonder which department would have brighter future ($$$). Some people said R&D. Some people said analyst. Others said being a sales...
Question: If the fiber weight per unit area of a woven roving(WR) is given as 24oz/sq yard fabric with a 5 X 4 weave style, is it a wise idea to calculate the Young's Modulus (Tensile Modulus) of the WR by assuming different volume fractions (Vf=0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6 etc)?
From what I understand...
Question: If the fiber weight per unit area of a woven roving(WR) is given as 24oz/sq yard fabric with a 5 X 4 weave style, is it a wise idea to calculate the Young's Modulus (Tensile Modulus) of the WR by assuming different volume fractions (Vf=0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6 etc)?
From what I understand...