I have some nested tubes in an assembly. (Picture a coaxial cable.)
I'm looking for a way to use the Flex feature efficiently so they will bend as a group.
Is there a better way than defining a Flex feature in each of the components?
What would you recommend?
I have 2 questions.
I've recently incorporated a company to do some product design and development consulting work and am on the verge of starting a small project with my first client.
I'm wondering a bit about liability since hearing about people suing McDonalds over spilled coffee. Is it...
I'm looking for someone experienced in plating nitinol wire.
I'm looking for 6' pieces and long lengths of wire 500+ feet.
Any suggestions?
I'm comparing different metals that could be used to make a particular spring/flexure.
In this case the amount of strain possible without plastic deformation is an important parameter.
Does anyone know of a material that could be comparable to NiTi (Which I believe can undergo about 8% strain...
I'm looking for a guideline for approximating flow velocity through a pore or orifice for a given pressure and viscosity.
My pressure differential is 13 kPa
The pore/orifice size is 0.5mm
Will a fluid with a viscosity of 1000cP be able to flow through this hole? What would be its...
I'm looking for a thorough wire design/selection reference from a mechanical point of view.
More specifically, I would like to select the best type of electric wire (~AWG 24) to survive bending fatigue over a temperature range from about 0-100C.
Recommendations vendors?
I would like to learn more about tolerancing from the perspective of design for: functionality, manufacturing, reliability, and cost.
Do you believe the books referenced here would be appropriate?
Do you have a different suggestion?
I want to use a slip ring to carry vibration data from the end of a rotor mounted on a slightly unbalanced shaft but have some reservations as I've seen other posts mentioning slip ring noise contaminating data.
I'm considering the Moog model AC6231. They claim acceptably low noise levels...
Sometimes I see people asking for various online calculators.
Here's one that you may want to add to your database.
I'm looking for a company that carries and ships an array of materials and components in Europe (Italy).
Something like www.mcmaster.com would be ideal.
Any suggestions?
I was looking at some metals on MatWeb and saw several examples where different tempers seem to change the hardness, yield, and ultimate strength, but the elastic modulous appears the same.
I'm baffled by how this could be possible unless the data is in error.
Does anyone have a better...
What is the relationship to express power required to force an object to vibrate a varying amplitude and frequency for a known mass, spring constant, and damping value?
Has anyone tried to run Pro/E, Solidworks, or other CAD software on one of the macs that can run windows? How did it work out?
I'm considering getting one, but the only concern is that I won't be able to use it for engineering.
I'm working to select an elastomer to pot some electronics for use in high vibration. It could be helpful to know the elastic modulous of resins, but manufacturers typically report hardness.
I know that there's no direct anylitical conversion between durometer and modulus of elasticity, but...