In relation to the welding of Rebar to a column to provide anchorage for an RC wall. Does welding reduce the strength of the Rebar itself by making it brittle. If so is there information on this in the British standards or Eurocodes or other documents. Thanking you in advance
I am at present designing a shear wall to take a horizontal point load due to wind loading on the frame. I realise the the load will spread at 45 degress from point load. The load will be in the top left corner of shear wall (applied at its edge) and will in effect spread through the wall at 45...
I am at present designing a connection of a beam to column using 4 bolts with an end plate. There is rotation in the beam, i have looked in standards and see nothing about designing for this. How is it done? Although the torsional moment is small 2kNm i would just like to know how to check if...
I am at present designing an underground water storage tank, howeer due to the tanks size i have had to include buttress's at 12ft intervals (5m), i have a moment coming from the surcharge and the soil to the buttress. to check for punching etc i need to calculate the force acting through...