An old tailings dump is reclaimed using high pressure hydraulic monitoring. The slurry is being processed in an acid leaching plant. The remaining tailings are pumped to a newly constructed tailings facility (new tailings dam). Preliminary hydrogeological studies indicate a possible leakage of...
An old coppermine tailings dump is reclaimed using high pressure hydraulic monitoring. The resultant slurry is being processed in an acid leaching plant. The remaining tailings are pumped to a newly constructed tailings disposal facility (new tailings dam). Preliminary hydrogeological studies...
An old tailings dump is reclaimed using high pressure hydraulic monitoring. After being processed in an acid leaching plant the remaining tailings are pumped to a newly constructed tailings disposal facility (new tailings dam). Preliminary hydrogeological studies indicate a possible leakage of...
About biomass fueled power plants: using rice hulls to fuel power plants was not very sucesfull in the late 1980s. Problems: high emissions (PM, NOx) boiler slagging, fuel logistics. Does anyone know about possible new technical developments resulting in a more promising future for the...
About biomass fueled power plants: using rice hulls to fuel power plants was not very succesful in the late 1980s. Problems: high emissions (PM,NOx, boiler slagging, fuel logistics. Does anyone know about possible new technical develpments resulting in a more promising future for the application...
About biomass fueled power plants: using rice hulls to fuel power plants was not very succesful in the late 1980s. Problems: high emissions (PM, NOx), boiler slagging, fuel logistics. Does anyone know about possible new technical developments reulting in a more promising future for the...
About biomass fueled power plants: using rice hulls to fuel power plants was not very succesful in the late 1980s.Problems: high emissions (PM, NOx), boiler slagging, fuel logistics. Does anyone know about possible new technical developments resulting in a more promising future for the...
About Biomass Fueled Power Plants: using rice hulls to fuel power plants was not very succesful in the late 1980. Problems: high emissions (PM, NOx) boiler slagging, fuel logistics. Does anyone know about possible new technical developments resulting in a more promising future for the...