Hello all,
I need to design a flexibile retaining wall (soldier piles with wood lagging), all the text books i have do not proper handling of this issue, just some formula in very basic situations and wihout solved examples.
Can any one tell me how can i find solved examples for that issue...
Hi all,
im new to FEM and i need some good tutorials for basic concepts and exmaples. i searched for free tutorials in the net but i had a bad luck. Any suggestions?
Thanks i advance
hi all,
sorry for that SILLY Question, but what is the releationship between Bearing capacity for a soil and the soil modulus?? are they the same or what !!
thx in advance
hi fellows
does any one knows how to use section cuts in sap2000 ver8 ?
i usally design slabs using moments value from the contour line just at the column face, is that right ?
im trying to design a steel truss using autoselect sections in Sap2000 V.8, the design sections differ from the analysis sections, i know that i must re-analysis untill i got the design section the same as the analysis sections, i tried to re-analysis many times, i tried "make autoselect...
hi fellows
can any one tell me how to model a girder carrying a beam using sap2000 ??
when i model two crossing beams the program solve it as two beams interaction together, i NEED to determine that one of them is a support of the other !! is that possible ??
Thx in advance
hi all
the area spring stiffness is very confusing in sap2000,
i need to settle this issue, if the soil bearing capacity is 10 t/m2, what the area spring constant would be??
my old knowladge it would be from 100 to 120 times the bearing capacity in t/m2 units thats make it 1000-1200, is that...
hi all,
i've just noticed that there is a big diffrences between solving a flat slab by empirical method and using Sap2000 (even if its a very simple case like 5X4 modules )!!!
also the margin beams got a diffrence bending moments too !! im confused, when solving an irregular or simple case...
hi all,
im designing a 7 story Reinforced Concrete Building, and it will have an elevator in the middle of the stair, my question is: do i have to put Shear walls beside the elevator ??
hi all,
how long u think should be between Exapnsion joints in R.C Structures ? i have a building that is 50m long, do i have to make an Expasion joint for it ?? if yes, can i just increase the stresses instead of making Expansion joint ?
hi all,
i have a plan to design , its about 50m length and 11m width, i know that i have to make an expasion joint after 40m, but in my case doing an expasion joint will affect the arctecture view,
can i design it without expansion joint, and increase the stresses, or i have to put the...
Hi there
im just upgraded to Acad2002, in ACAD2000 i use the express layers toolbars, (isolate object layers,.. etc ), but i cant find it in ACAD2002, any ideas !! where is the hidden Express tools !!
hi there, i have a question ,
Can i solve a problem using shell elements and frame elemnts together?? coz when i tried to do so, i noticed that the results in the frame elemnt is strange, it looks like the shell carries the frame elemnts (beams).
that made me solve the floor twice, one time...
for some resone or another, i have to do a Rienforced concrete islolated footing on another old one, the problem is thats is not for all footings, so some of them will be done again on the old, and the others will still as it is on the plain concrete, my question is , can i do that or the...
hi there, i need some help in design stairs with helical and spirl shapes, RC design for sure,
i solved it with sap2000, but i cant understand the results well, i dont know how to calculate the reinforcement needded to resist shear and torsion. i hope some one who can tells me :) .
thx in advance