In SAFE ver 7.01, the wall reactions can only be shown in tabular table and the wall reactions are in Global Axix direction. These are inconvient.
Can the wall reactions be shown in graphic output and in local wall axis? How?
Why I ask such a question? A circular slab is supported by circular...
I am designing a circular slab (with numerous openings, of course) fix-supported on a cylinder shaft.
At the slab-wall interface, I am confused which shear force (V13, V23, Vmax or combination of V13 and V23) should be used for design. Anyone can calrify? (the slab thickness cannot be changed...
I am studying shells elements and need your help. How to design a beam with the SAP's shell element outputs, F11, F22 etc? see
The model:
12m span
1m x 1m x 0.6m thick shells
area loads = uniform 100 kPa (global gravity)
fixed at coners...
The case: A circular shaft subjects to underground water pressure (assumed uniform at a certain depth).
Model: Plan circular shaft model with frame elements radial at 10 degrees (i.e. 36 elements total). The elemets are load with the uniform water pressure normal to the elements. No supports...
When I define many load combinations (over 10 combinations), there is an error that "SAP 2000 is running out of memory" and the combination already defined cannot be saved!
Under the "Option" menu, we can set the values in memory, m1 and m2. But what are m1 and m2?? (in MB or kB)?
Is there a...
Would anyone please advise:
How to set the default units in SAP2000 ver Nonlinear 8.1.2 to SI units, such that each time I open a new model the units are by default in SI system, m, kN.. instead of in and kip.
Also the accompanying kit, SAPTemplates.exe, which is good for building arbitrary...
Suppose a floor meshed into 9 by 9 shells each is 1m x 1m and a wall meshed into 6 by 6 shells each is 1.5m x 1.5m.
In SAP2000 Version 8.2, how can the floor/wall interface shells be quickly meshed into a transition zone?
I tried "mesh using seleted joints and on edges" but it did...
Would one please advise how to model the foundation in SAP2000 for the follwing underground station:
The station has a 2m thick base slab with side walls and tensile anchors (underneath the slab between side walls) to resist floatation. The base slab sits directly on hard rock.
I am try to model a support, an element which is able to take compression only with the NLLInk GAP element, however it is found that the GAP element is able to take tension as well. Why?
BS8110 allows shear capacity to be increased for the following two cases:
1. when the section being considered is near the support (increased by factor of 2av/d)
2. when the section is subjected to axial compression (increased by +N/Ac*M/V)
My question is: when the section being considered has...
How to Analyse Railing Beam to Diaphragm Walls of Underground Box Station
In Hong Kong, a 25m wide by 25m deep railway box station with 3 slabs (roof, concourse and base slabs) is to be constructed underneath a busy urban carriageway. The cross section:
__Ground Level (0.0 mPD)...
How to Analyse Railing Beam to Diaphragm Walls of Underground Box Station
In Hong Kong, a 25m wide by 25m deep railway box station with 3 slabs (roof, concourse and base slabs) is to be constructed underneath a busy urban carriageway. The cross section:
__Ground Level (0.0 mPD)...
As a SAP model grows bigger and bigger because of refinement of meshes, the time taken to draw the model become longer and longer.
Is there a function in SAP (like other FEA softwares) which allows me to temporary swith off (inactivate) those elements which are not being refined such that the...
In a wall-slab deep underground station, the slabs have holes for escalators and vent shafts. The holes are arranged adjacent to one of the walls. Therefore, strong beams surrounding the holes are required to support the wall from bending inward. These beams surrounding the hole also prevent the...
Can someone tell what the restraints should be applied to the edge joints of shell elements which are subjected to moments, axial and shear forces on the restrainted edges.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (edge subjected to M, P and V)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (edge subjected to M, P and V)...
For an underground multi-story basement structure, will the seismic load be citical to the design of the structure? If so, how the lateral quake loads be modelled?
Plate sub-model, your views?
I have an underground reinforced concrete box station 16.5m wide by 35m deep by 280m long modelled by plane frame with SAP2000. The frame is 16.5m wide and 35m deep. The model is as follows:
| |
| slab1 |
| |...
I got a .s2k model exported from SAP2000 version 7.4 non-linear. This model runs well in Ver 7.4, however, when this .s2k inputs into Ver7.12 (SAP2000 NL), there is an error when SAP solves the model as follows:
Analysis Incomplete!!
Why and what goes wrong?
SAP2000 is able to model supports as springs. But does SAP2000 allow the failure of a spring?
For an example, if the spring is under tension and subjected to a force larger than its capacity, the spring breaks and the force previously taken by it will transfer to its neighbouring springs.