I have a few areas where I am hitting a mental block with Geometric Nonlinear analysis, I am long out of school and trying to expand my knowledge on these analysis methods and also dabble in programming a solver which I've found to be the best way to get intimate knowledge with these things...
For those looking for an updated RPN calculator there is a new version of the HP 15c that was released recently that looks to fix some bugs and significantly increase computation speed.
Anyone still using handheld calculators beyond just punching in numbers these days?
I went on a bit of...
In case it impacts anyone here as well Autodesk is experiencing a total outage of there cloud services which means things like BIM360 are not accessible. Joys of the cloud.
I've seen a handful of new threads in the past couple months asking about design resources for one topic or another. I have created a new FAQ category, Design / Education Resources, and started a FAQ for design resources in the US Market. If anyone has any additions they would like to add post...
Is anyone aware of any worked examples for the computations of Equivalent Nodal Forces for partial loading normal to a shell element?
I have a few of the books noted in the FAQ here that I have started working through namely:
Zienkiewicz - Volumes 1 and 2
Finite element procedures by K J Bathe
in case anyone else needs this both Response and Membrane-2000 are no longer hosted at Toronto University. The creator now has their own site with more recent versions available:
Hadrian Works
I'm making a thing: www.thestructuraltoolbox.com
(It's no Kootware and it will probably break but...
Some of you may have noticed by signature update. I am working on a passion project in the very little spare time that I have with the goal to keep this thing free and open for as long as I can.
I held off on making this post because there is one tool I wanted to have prior to letting the cat...
Long shot but does anyone either know what the reference is or have a PDF copy of the reference on Enercalc's help page under the "Analysis Procedure" heading here: Link
or alternatively know how to or have a good reference for assembling the global stiffness matrix for the system in the...
Not sure if folks are aware but it looks like a couple years ago Autodesk slipped Robot into the AEC software package, so if you bought that package for AutoCAD and Revit you have access to Robot.
With the ever increasing pricing of analysis/design software packages these days I figured it...
My use case for this is really rough survey stuff so putting it in the Structural forums.
I recently got a much needed cell phone upgrade and found myself with a phone that has a lidar sensor along with the cameras.
The sensor is terrible for fine detail but for big dimensions like wall to wall...
When determining the A2/A1 ratio is A2 based on a projection of the area in compression or a projection of the entire base/embed plate?
in attached image left is projection of base pl and right is projection of area in compression for a specific load set:
After reading the commentary in ACI...
I've hit a road block and would like to hit up the hive mind here at eng-tips to see if anyone has some insight or own thoughts on how to tackle the below issues.
I've got a pretty functional bi-axial concrete section analysis spreadsheet set up for rectangular sections and the Whitney block -...
I've been working on a Rigid Plate analysis spreadsheet for bearing stress and tension force distribution to anchors/studs.
The spreadsheet can be downloaded here: https://github.com/open-struct-engineer/Excel/tree/master/05-Metals
The solver utilizes a Newton-Raphson algorithm which given some...
As extension of the profis discussion in my other thread.
When performing a rigid plate analysis:
1. Should the bolt holes on the compression side of the plate be considered as reducing the available area for compression resistance, both Design Guide 1 and Blodgett don't take the holes into...
This may not be news to some folks but doing some back checking of Hilti Profis I found that the rigid analysis performed by the free version allows σc to go beyond the code maximum bearing stress with out tripping any user warnings. Since they don't design the base plate you'd probably catch...
Maybe a dumb question but ACI addresses low break results with some procedures for acceptability or rechecking design.
What happens if you say get 2-3x breaks when compared to design strength, ACI list acceptance as meeting or exceeding the specified design value. Could to high of an achieved...
5-story residential structure on grade, no basement. floor framing spans exterior to corridor.
we have a situation where due to the sanitary hookup outside the interior below grade lines are several feet below where we would normally place the foundations. How are people addressing this...
I need to get some budgetary pricing for some steel beam reinforcing, I've reached out to a few of my contactor contacts and understandably no one wants to price something that may not be real work.
Does anyone have any rule of thumb or price per ton or ft numbers for:
- Steel Cover Plate -...
Just in case this is going to be as much a surprise to anyone else at it was to us.
Apparently an update come out for RSS on November 4th that fundamentally changed the licensing structure, the modules are no longer individually licensed. We received no communication that this was happening and...
Cue "Oh great this topic again"
I've read a ton of the existing threads on what amounts to this subject but everything seems to die right before it gets to the spot I am concerned with.
I believe there should be a check, akin to Appendix D/Chapter 17 or Strut-Tie Nodal Stresses, beyond Ld/Ldh...