Hi All,
I'm designing a small garage addition with concrete retaining walls supported by piles. I'm using Enercalc V6 to calculate the pole embedment depth considering wall active soil pressure and soil passive resistance per soil report. The soil report clearly stated that the piles may be...
I'm trying to write a simple vba for my excel spreadsheets. I'm wondering why this will cause my spreadsheet to hang when I input a value of 1 on B2.
I'm a structural engineer and novice on vba. I appreciate for your help.
Here's the code:
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
I have been reading old treads regarding Force Transfer Around Openings of Wood Shearwalls, but it seems like there were varied interpretations of where the holdowns will be located, whether at the ends every shearwall segments or at the ends overall wall width. I just wonder if there are...
Hi to all..
It seems like LADBS has not posted recent information bulletins that are based on the new codes. Is the Steel Moment Frame Connection Design will be based on FEMA 350 or with the latest AISC 341,358 & 360.
Hi All..
I just want to know if the steel sheathing used to resist shear forces as mentioned on IBC 2003 section 2211.2.2.1 includes sheathing with metal decking patterns? Pattern like continuous 3" wide x 1" deep at 16" o.c. horizontal to be specific. Considering that all other...
Hi to all...
I received a comment regarding double top plate splice connection. The chord force is around 14600 lbs. Im using CMST14 with 37 - 16d nails ea side and joint in the top plate splice shall be offset at least 4 ft.
Heres my design parameters & calculation:
I just want to verify from u guys if what equations are u using to calculate a cantilevered diaphragm deflection. Are u using the equation 23-1 of section 2305.2.2,ibc 2003 or equation 23-2,ibc 2003 of section 2305.3.2 is more appropriate?
or are u using other equations.. thanks
The Southern Part of my has very wide opennings, but
inbetween of this opennings, theres a hollow box column (4ft x 4 ft)
made of 2x6 wood studs. Im planning to use the one side of the this
column as shearwall having a segment length of 4 ft spaced at an
average of 32 ft.( instead of placing...
I usually compute seismic forces manually, and apply it to my model. If I have a rigid diaphragm, I distribute the seismic force at each level based on a rigid diaphragm distribution, where the rigidity of the column or shearwall greatly matters.
In staad, where the program generated seismic...
I usually compute seismic forces manually, and apply it to my model. If I have a rigid diaphragm, I distribute the seismic force at each level based on a rigid diaphragm distribution, where the rigidity of the column or shearwall greatly matters.
In staad, where the program generated seismic...
From Aisc (Ninth Edition) Section B7, it is stated that for members whose design is based on compressive force, the slenderness ratio kl/r preferably shoud not exceed 200 and for members whose design is based on tensile force, kl/r preferably shoud not exceed 300.
I am designing a frame with...
In a wide-flange beam framed into TS column where the column is cut or slot for the shear plate connection, is it right that the beam reaction will be assumed to extend into the column centerline and the effect of connection eccentricity can be neglected supposing the connection is designed for...
0-------------------------0 xxxxxxxxxxxxx (shearwall line)
(load bearing steel frame) (wooden shearwall)
(not braced)
Is it ok if the beam in the load bearing steel frame(not braced)will not be connected to the wooden shearwall supposing the lateral nailing...
Im designing a ground supported foundation which is conventionally reinforced. The soil report recommended Wire Reinforcement Institute Method (WRI) and/or Building Research and Advisory Board Method (BRAB)method.I designed the waffle type foundation using finite element...