Any guidance on design forces for a reinforced concrete labyrinth weir would be very much appreciated. I will have data on flow velocities, height of water over weir etc. I know it's a complex subject...
Thanks for any help.
Hi guys (no pun intended)
I have been reading up on guyed tower dynamics - lots of literature - excellent treatment given in 'Cable Structures' by Max Irvine. However, when I try to rework his Example 4.3 while my guy stiffness results agree pretty well with his and the mode shapes are exactly...
Hi Guys,
I've been retired from the oil industry for a few years and now a bit out of touch but having to revive something for a design job. Is API RP-2A WSD still in use generally ? I think the last edition was 21st. Or is everyone using LRFD ?
Any comments/ info would be very much...
Hi guys,
If I convert a QBASIC program into an .EXE file how easy is it for someone to decompile it and recover the original code?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Guys.
I want to create files that can be read directly as EXCEL files from a BASIC program running under DOS.
What I do right now , for example, is as follows:
1000 OPEN "O",1,A$ + ".RYD"
1005 WRITE #1, "X", "Y", "Z"
1010 WRITE #1, P, Q...
Hi guys.
The 'textbook' philosophy for short term stabilty assessment of say an embankment is to use a total stress analysis, and to use an effective stress analysis for the long term assessment.
Suppose we have a natural slope in soft clay where there is little or no natural drainage. How...
Hi guys,
Has anyone experience of CPT's in peat. Field vane tests are known to be unreliable in peat, are CPT's any better?
Any help would be appreciated.