Hi all:
Im trying to create a table of X,Y,Z points in solidworks so we can inspect a surface.
Optimally im looking for some way of placing grid points on the surface, then creating a table of X,Y,Z coordinates so our inspection department can inspect from this table.
Ideas I have is to...
Hi all:
A component inside a satellite enclosure needs to disipate Y amount of power through radiation.
If I need to determine X amount of surface area needed to disipate Y amount of power through radiation is it a good estimate to assume that all power is disipated in to an black body? and...
We have ordered a large forged aluminum billet that will be used to machine a component. We usually order thick plate for our components at the requested temeper but due to the size of the component we were recomended to get a forged billet close to the components final dimensions.
The billet...
Hellow everyone:
I am trying to determine the peak G level achived during a random vibe test at the main natural frequency. Im using miles equation to estimate the peak acceleration.
I ran a low level random vibe test to determine the natural frequencies of the unit and also the Q's. I had to...
Hellow everyone:
I am trying to determine the peak G level achived during a random vibe test at the main natural frequency. Im using miles equation to estimate the peak acceleration.
I ran a low level random vibe test to determine the natural frequencies of the unit and also the Q's. I had to...
Hi all:
Just wanted to get some opinions on the Algor online training. Has anyone taken any classes? If so were they helpful?
Ill appreciate any comments
Hi all:
Has anyone used CosmoWorks advanaced professional?. This packedge includes CosmoWorks and GeoStar. I currently use CosmoWorks but have the need to do Linear Dynamic analysis (e.g. Frequency response, random vibration analysis, etc.)for this I would have to up grade to Advance...
Hi all:
Has anyone used CosmoWorks advanaced professional?. This packedge includes CosmoWorks and GeoStar. I currently use CosmoWorks but have the need to do Linear Dynamic analysis (e.g. Frequency response, random vibration analysis, etc.)for this I would have to up grade to Advance...
Hi to everyone:
I am trying to make a test vacuum chamber and wanted to know how to go about it.
Inside vacuum will go down to 6.67e-3 Pascal = 9.67 e-7 psi = 5 e-5 torr.
This vacuum chamber is small, 3 x 8 x 3 inches, machined out of aluminum 6061-t6.
My concern right now is to determine wall...
Hi everyone:
I am new to dynamic analysis and would like to get the general idea of what should be done while doing a dynamic analysis.
My resources are COSMO/Works(wich gives me static analysis and modal analysis), and a pencil and calculator.
The problems im involed in are mainly for space...
Hi there:
Im trying to determine the force to torque relationship for a bolted surface. This surface should maintain a certain pressure (e.g. 8000 psi). Usually 4 bolts are used, so i determined the axial force needed from each bolt. My problem is how to determine how much torque needed to...
Hi there:
Im trying to determine the force to torque relationship for a bolted surface. This surface should maintain a certain pressure (e.g. 8000 psi). Usually 4 bolts are used, so i determined the axial force needed from each bolt. My problem is how to determine how much torque needed to...