I've usually detailed the tie beam to be cast monolithically with the slab on grade. My rationale was that one concrete placement would be cheaper. The owner of the building I'm currently working on has required us to provide contraction joints on 45-60 degree angles to the column lines so fork...
I am designing an exterior wall of a water treatment plant. The plant floor will be higher than exterior grade (backfilled side is the interior). The liquid-supporting slab-on-grade floor slab will be placed roughly 18 ft. above exterior grade. The design will have to be a multi-step design:
JAE, I have a question about a post you made a couple of years ago. It is now closed so I can't put this question there. Can you help me understand your reasoning in Step 9 below on multiplying Sd x Ms and not fy/fs x Ms while using Phi=1? This has me hung up as I try to understand ACI 350 and...
Q1: What load combinations do you all use when checking foundations for structures at a water treatment plant or waste water treatment plant? ACI 350 only lists ultimate load combinations in 9.2.1 and 2006/2009 IBC does not list F loads in Eq. 16-14 or 16-15 where the dead load is reduced. For...
I'm in a High Hazard Flood Zone Class VE on the Gulf of Mexico. The project is a public pavilion approximately 70 ft. x 140 ft. with columns and bowstring trusses. The columns are spaced roughly 11'-9" on center along each side of the building with the trusses spanning the function area. I'm...
2006 IBC, Tables 721.2.3(1)-(5) deal with the increased cover requirements for fire protection. The tables provide separate requirements depending if your slab is restrained or unrestrained.
My case is a 7 span, two-way flat plate analysis. The end span is 30'-10" but is supported by a full...
Our company is looking to purchase a 3D PT modeler. We currently have 2D ADAPT-PT and SAFE V8 and are happy with both of them. We have sat through 3 online demonstrations (2 from ADAPT and 1 from SAFE) showing the capabilities of each program. They both seem pretty similar and both are going to...
I have a two-way p.t. slab for a multi-story hotel in Cali. I need to run a deformation compatibility model but don't know what to use as my effective "beam" width in my ETABS model. I ran it once with my width = span/4 but my moments due to lateral were pretty small. Small enough I didn't need...
I have a two-way p.t. slab for a multi-story hotel in Cali. I need to run a deformation compatibility model but don't know what to use as my effective "beam" width in my ETABS model. I ran it once with my width = span/4 but my moments due to lateral were pretty small. Small enough I didn't need...
Does anyone know of allowable shear values for wood diaphragms with panel thicknesses greater than 19/32"? The architect is asking for a 1" structural panel for the subflooring.
Ideally I would like a continuation of 2003 IBC Table 2306.3.1 (NDS Structural Panel Supplement Table 3.1B)
Does anyone have a timber pile uplift anchor they are comfortable with?
I have a project in Mobile, AL, that is in bad upper soils. The geotech recommended timber driven piles and gave me pile lengths/sizes with allowable compression and tension capacities. Because of the high wind zone and...
My office has the AASHTO Standard Specs. for Highway Bridges 2002 and the brand new 2007 (w/ 2008 revisions). Since we are a structural building firm and never deal with AASHTO they won't buy every version of the AASHTO code. Unfortunately, 4 of us younger engineers will be taking the SE1 this...
My office has the AASHTO Standard Specs. for Highway Bridges 2002 and the brand new 2007 (w/ 2008 revisions). Since we are a structural firm they won't buy every version of the AASHTO code. Unfortunately, 4 of us younger engineers will be taking the SE1 this year in which 20% of the exam refers...