I am designing a support structure that will be attached to a modified concrete slab. I have raised concerns with the existing slab conditions (I am not the EOR and it is specifically exempted from my review), but wanted to get other opinions as well.
1. Do you think this is an effective...
A Gigantic Equipment provider (GEp) is calling for the welding of hardened threaded rods to support suspended equipment that is subject to maybe 100 loading cycles/day.
Assuming the GEp will not be moved from their well thought out design criteria, is there a way for me to justify a welding...
We need to anchor our system into this soffit, but I've never seen a profile like this before. We have a 3" deep steel decking system with a flat area that repeats every 8 ft or so. I think its a cellular system for running electric, but its fire proofed so we can't identify the edges. Has...
Thought some engineering analysis would be appropriate for this article. Basically, if you scale a structure up (and its associated loads), by what factor would you need to increase all dimensions? In this article the author has checked compression on the leg of a chair. What do you guys...
I am familiarizing myself with multi story lumber construction, but I have limited experience with wood. Given the different species and grades of lumber available, how does an engineer choose the correct species and grade for a particular building?
For instance, (2)2x6 Stud grade hem-fir can...
Client is asking for existing tower modification to accept load from additional overhead conductors. I think that In order to properly determine loads I will need to know the properties of the conductors, and how much they should drape. I have some old guides on high voltage systems but they...
The client is asking for a wood to steel connection without the use of welding. We have researched using 3/8" diameter screws in order to make the connection but do not have any experience doing this. We've looked at using Simpson joist hangers, but they do not provide any support for screwed...
For a 10 story parking structure (2-stories underground) founded on drilled piers, I am recommending the use of a single line of drilled piers under the retaining wall and column pilasters in order to prevent differential settlement.
Any thoughts?
What repair would you recommend for this situation?
Existing 100 ft span steel roof trusses (fink with monitor) have been exposed to a high temperature and are buckled. The trusses are laterally braced and have only sagged maybe 12". Clearance is not an issue. Buckles occur in the top and...
Just turned a client away (at his mutual suggestion) who has "been building these things this way for years." Told him that his glulam posts won't resist the lateral wind as currently sized and refused to be swayed by inertia. This is on top of informing him, previously, that a 50% increase in...
I have an existing architectural drawing (c1960) with a joist designation of:
18 LA06
These joists are at 3'-0" on center spanning 23'-6"
The building is located in the northern part of New Jersey. Just went through SlideRuleEra's list of catelogs and couldn't find it.
Does anybody know what...
Need to cut a 3/8" thick mild steel plate but don't want to cut the beam flange it sits on. Burning through will not work and would like to leave the 25'-0" long plate in place. The cut needs to be straight and clean.
Is there a process that is appropriate for this type of cutting?
non-composite concrete slab over steel decking is puddle welded to a steel beam. Is this steel beam laterally braced by the puddle welds to the decking?
- Puddle welds failing due to beam bending
- Any code issues/documentation?
Are the puddle welds needed for lateral bracing...
Heavy Duty crane girder has been in operation since the late 40s. Numerous repairs have been performed at the support connections (mostly due to poor detailing-plastic hinging of the web and deck plate). Analysis indicates that the section is overstressed at the center span under documented...
This one is a puzzler and I'm looking for some ideas!
5 seconds after a lightening strike an interior outlet on an exterior wall sparks into the kitchen air.
What could be causing this and how would it be fixed?
Further information:
- House is properly grounded with rods and pipes
- Outlet...
A client is asking us if it is OK to remove an existing insulated metal wall panel and replace it with a non-insulated metal wall panel. This panel forms the south wall of a boiler room for a trash to energy facility.
In the winter the room stays at 90 F. Summer reaches 140 F.
The facility is...
I have read through previous posts on this and would like additional references.
Have a 12 ft tall retaining wall with 4,000 psf overburden starting at some, to be determined, distance behind it (probably 7 ft back). Using USS sheet pile equation, pressure equals = 2q/PI x [B - (SinB x...