I have a full voltage starting induction pump motor 1000HP running on a 4160 VAC bus, can someone tell me how long it can last without power while a feeder bus transfer is done? to continue operating without having to carry out a new boot process. This is to set the motor undervoltage trip...
Can someone help me to adjust the protection values of the 27TN function in a GE UR G60 relay? I understand that it is the site where the third harmonic voltage data should be measured, from the generator neutral transformer.
I have a GE 4.16 KV motor, 500 HP, air compressor, 6 leads suitable for a Star-Delta starter, so it is my first time that I have just a simple full Voltage starter and I was looking any information from vendor in order to know if we can to proceed with a Delta star to continue in Delta-Run...
I have a 5 kV & 15KV new power cable sets to porform HiPot testing and may question is if 2(nominal voltage) + 1 is enough for insulation test on each cable.
Thank you for any support about that.
I have a old generator of a GE7B CTG refurbished 64 MVA, 13.8KV and it has the space heaters powered to preservation, so my question is if it is needed to perform a Stator HiPot test before start up or just a Megger/PI test. I have no any record if somebody did it before.
I will appreciate any...
Hey guys do you know about the frequency to verify the GE UR Relays in order to make sure that its active functions are working properly since it was commissioned and stays online. Someone said normally should be every year but I don't know if any standard covers this matter. Any coments from...