I am teaching English to person who as above. He manages a bulk carrier- coal, a car carrier and another vessel. What sort of discussions would he have the captain and chief engineer since these vessels are highly automated and monitored? Thank you in advance...
This a regular event between reputable manufacturer. I am still searching for the video but basically from I saw its was a tungsten carbide drill versus a non-composite metal plate. 2 hours after starting with copious amounts of coolant, the drill break through without splitting the metal. Does...
I have wondered about this and do it manually myself. If you have long lists and they have simple errors like o instead 0 and dates in the wrong format and data with other simple error, is there tool to help remove those errors before you validate the data.
A new very detailed report on the Fukushima nuclear power accident and events is available online from the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute.
Obviously the actual conditions that you cut in practice under will be affected by a multitude of factors but there is always going to be a lot of posts of people cutting something new and needing advice so I propose paraphrasing the answers into FAQ.
I believe that the science for Tsunamis is not well-developed enough to say that at a particular location a tsunami developing earthquake (which not many of they actually do or create any significant wave) will develop a certain size tsunami given a certain initial calculation of energy of...
I haven't been able find a good reference but virtually all of the power generation for Kanto region has been disrupted by the earthquakes and tsunamis- including power and hydro electric. We are definitely going to have blackouts in all areas except most of Tokyo. Anyone have a good reference...