I have performed the spectrum analysis (in term of acceleration) of a solid object. I would like to combine the results of the spectrum analysis with the gravity effect on the structure. I thought this could be done using the ACEL command during the spectrum solution. But it seems...
I have to select a node on the mesh to get the eigenvector amplitude in that point. I want to compare this results from Ansys with some experimental data, in order to update the model through optimization. I would like to know if it is possible in some way, to select the node on the...
Hello, I need to mesh a certain number of shells. Before that I mesh, if I perform an ALIST command I obtain:
2 1 73342 73343 73344 0...
I need to rename the values in a graph, on the x axis. Something like the /AXLAB command, but referred to values, to overwrite the default values. I think I could use the XVAR command, but I don't know how to create a new variable with customized values in the /POST26 and even if it is possible...
Do you know if it is possible to use calculated variable with the variable viewer? I need to visualize the stresses in variable viewer in a node, but in my kind of structure I've only the ETABLE data, so that they're not directly accessible from the Viewer... Do you know a shortcut?
Hello, I'm trying to use the command PRVAR, I've noticed that the maximum number of variables that I can list vs. time is 6. Is there another way to list variable vs. time, also in a *.txt file? Because I've got a lot more...
Hello all,
I'm trying to plot my results but I've some problems. My structure is a sort of frame, and I'm using element Beam44 for all my elements.
The problem is that I can only plot the DOF solutions (displacements) from nodal plot and elem plot. For the other data I need to use always...
Hello all,
I need to plot the axial load solutions for my frame. I use beam elements, so I've read solutions "SDIR" in the nodes I and J. Now, my problem is that the default view of Ansys is with a 2D diagram on the Line element. I want coloured elements, I don't want to show the 2D diagram on...
Hello, I'm trying to create a superelements, but I guess that I'm doing something wrong. That's the sequence of command that I'm using now:
NSEL,s,loc,z,0,294.3225 !Here I select what I need in
KSEL,S,LOC,Z,0,294.3225 !the structure, and I copy the
I need to use the CERIG command to simulate a diaphgram behaviour in a building, the problem is the I've built my modelling using keypoints and assign properties to the structures.
The CERIG command define a plane where all the NODES have the same displacement of the defined master node. But I...
Hello, I need to study a frame multistories structure, wich is subject to force (constant during the time) and temperatures loads that could varying during the time. I need to study the behaviour of the structure, so the stress and the deformation due to the thermal dilatation.
So I should work...